One of our community members theorycrafted a similar deck to this, and it made me a bit worried. The deck seems to be starting to work at least early on in the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion release. TwoBiers got top-50 Legend with this version of the deck. Selfless Hero, Vilefin Inquisitor, Bilefin Tidehunter, Rallying Blade, and Steward of Darkshire round out the new expansion cards. An interesting card that I never thought would see constructed play is Frostwolf Warlord. The card starts to make more sense when you consider the lack of removal currently on the ladder, and the immense boards you will have with this kind of deck. I’m curious how this list will continue to be refined and if it will be turn out to be a top tier deck list.
- Check out more Whispers of the Old Gods Standard Decks Here.
- Don’t forget if you’re going to buy Whispers of the Old Gods packs use Amazon Coins to save money!
Absolute Trash….. Everything must go right, for a win…. without topdeck you are not going to win
I agree. 11 matches and all lost. Been playing for 2 years. This deck you can only win with if everything goes just right from the beginning. It sucks ass.. deep.. Taunters win you everytime. Warriors will rape you. It’s just bs
You can win beginners and random decks, but anything other than that. You are fucked.
No way to baypass heavy taunts, no card draws, if you dont have godlike starting hand you are screwed, i suggest to add one divine favor and one Equality.
Edit: My bad, there is Keeper of Uldaman, so equality is not neccesary, still adding divine favor realy seals some games.
seagiant replacement?
I’d maybe try Defender of Argus, but there’s not a good replacement for Sea Giant.
Hi, what u think about adding Gormokk instead of 1 blood knight?
I could see that working!
I’ve run it and it’s not that bad. Kind of a win more card. Usually when it hits, you already have board so you don’t really need it that bad. I cut him and replaced with Sylvanas. She does a better job of maintaining pressure when there’s a board wipe incoming.
Fun deck, not entirely sure you need Blessing of Kings since minions already have tons of staying power from Divine Shield and attack power from Uldaman + War Leader + Blood Knight. I cut 1 Sea Giant and 1 Blood Knight for 2 Tidecallers and both Blessings for Bluefin Murlocs
I’ve playtested this one a bit but with a few modifications based on what I had and didn’t have. With only 1 Rallying Blade, 1 Sea Giant, 1 Blood Knight, and no Vilefin Inquisitors, I added in 2 Warhorse Trainers, 2 Stand Against Darkness, and Alexstrasza. And GOD is this deck fun.
Why don’t you just craft the other cards you DIDNT have??
Because maybe he doesn’t have infinite dust?