General Mulligans
You are just looking for early game stuff, consider saving some spells for Lyra if you aren't desperate to use them.
Yugi Muto Priest back again for KoFT! The name comes from Yu-Gi-Oh, where the main character Yugi Muto had the three Egyptian God cards in his deck. The main idea of the deck is to just run 3 of the Gods with decent levels of synergy for each one. This deck also has a decent amount of mid to early game to compensate for the heavy weight added by the Gods. The synergies for C'Thun and N'Zoth, The Corruptor are pretty straightforward, but a new interesting addition to the deck is Lyra the Sunshard, which helps pump up the amount of possible spells for Yogg-Saron, Hope's End. Additionally, since so much deck variety is needed to synergize with the 3 Gods, the singleton deck archetype is a natural fit for the deck. This also means we can run high power cards like Kazakus and Raza the Chained. You can swap Raza the Chained for Elise, but the residual heal is pretty nice, and this deck definitely doesn’t struggle in the late game as it is. The results from play testing are posted below, this deck seems to stand the test of time pretty well. I built it originally when WotOG came out and it has had a solidly viable winrate each expansion since.
Games Played: 25
Wins/Loses: 20-5
Winrate: 80%
Aggro Paladin win
Zoolock win
Midrange Paladin win
Control/Tempo Warrior win
Dragon Priest win
*Murloc Paladin loss
*(double topdeck divine favor, millhouse off silvermoon, perfect rng for my opponent)
Freeze Mage/Burn Mage win
Quest Warlock (Control version) win
Jade Druid win
Quest Rogue win
Aggro Warrior loss
Evolve Shaman win
Midrange Hunter win
Token Druid win
Zoolock loss
Pirate Warrior win
Pirate Warrior win
Elemental Shaman win
*Dragon Priest loss
*(Stole Nzoth& Cairne with Drakanoids, everything had 4 health)
DK Mage win
C’Thun Druid win
Control DK Warlock win
Quest Mage loss
Quest Mage win
DK Jaina Burn Mage win