General Mulligans
Need early game to help push your late game win conditions.
So with the disappointment of Discard Control Warlock I went back to the drawing board and came up with this. Basically it’s a Reno deck without Reno that makes use of tons of multi card combos to have strong turns and destroy the opponent in the late game with Elise the Trailblazer, Krul the Unshackled, and Lord Jaraxxus . As for synergy in the deck, I can’t go over all of them here, but I’ll go over a few important ones. Humongous Razorleaf has two taunt activators and is a good target for Shadowflame and Faceless Shambler . I wanted to add a silence as an additional activator but it was tough to find a place for one. Dirty Rat is in the deck because of the synergy with Mind Control Tech, Second-Rate Bruiser, Twisting Nether , Corrupting Mist , and Cult Apothecary. It can also screw up combos, which is pretty important this expansion due to all the Quest combos people are playing. In the late game this deck gets pretty nuts. The Elise pack helps in the value game, and the large amount of taunts in the deck make it pretty easy to find a place to play Lord Jaraxxus. Early results look good, but I will be play testing all day and posting my final results soon!
Final Winrate: ~51%
A little disappointed with the winrate, this deck seems to struggle with the lack of healing. Has similar matchups to Handlock but the extra power houses come in handy when you get lucky enough to draw them on curve.