General Mulligans
You are looking for either early game or the turn 4 power plays, or both. Also it's generally a good idea to keep Reno. Against zoo you will want to try and mull for a board clear. Shadow bolt is great against Tempo Mage because it deals with Flamewaker.
A N’zoth Renolock variant that runs the Ice Howl and Spellbreaker combo. On their own both cards are decent and sometimes your opponents will just ignore Ice Howl so you can gain surprise lethal with Spellbreaker the turn after you play the Howl. The rest of the deck is pretty standard, stall out the game until you can play N’zoth. Jaraxxus and Soggoth are in the deck to help with the control matchup. Soggoth is a nightmare for warriors and priests, plus it can’t be sapped, so I’ve found it to be really good despite having underwhelming stats.