Totem Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-21 - Style: ladder

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Control Mulligans

These are some of the cards you want to start with, the totem golem ensures a solid presence that can go toe to toe with early drops from your opponent. The tuskarr totemic is an excellent follow up to a turn 2 totem drop in case you didn't get the golem. Stormforged Axe ensures that you have board control against early drops in the game and crackle can take care of a surprise heavy early drop while you build up turns towards your more late game cards. 

Recently i’ve been educated in the knowledge that the shaman hero power is among the worst in the game (if not the worst) mostly by this site. Nevertheless I really enjoyed how (although as random as it may be) the shaman’s hero power was a very versatile power that complemented your control of the board in many different ways. This was the deck I started using on ranked and through months of casual play and it was a very fun deck to play. It’s goal is to maintain control of the board at all times to give room for multiple totems to be present at a time and finish off with a Bloodlust or Thunder Bluff Valiant. Weapons like Stomforged Axe and Doomhammer serve as control cards to make sure your totems stay longer on the board and it’s not uncommon for your hero to take alot of damage this way to ensure you win. 

Once your opponent is out of resources, it really doesn’t take long for your totem presence to move the game to your favor and thunder bluff valiant is an excellent tool at doing this, ensuring that future totems come in with offensive capabilities. The deck is also capable of doing burst damage in a pinch if necessary but I have found myself using most of the damage cards to keep control of the board, with most attacks to the enemy hero coming from totems boosted by Flametongue, Bloodlust or Valiant. I currently find myself trying out other shaman builds at the moment like Aggro Shaman, but this specific build brought me a lot of victories and it was always fun to play for me. Hopefully it’s also fun for you to play as well! 

The deck does have some glaring weaknesses. It falls to rush decks very easily due to the deck really not doing much the early turns of the game unless it opens with a solid curve. The deck suffers of a late-game centric strategy assuming you have great to perfect control of the board which sometimes require certain cards to appear at certain moments in the game. I found myself using Forked Lightning sometimes due to just how powerful rush decks were against me. Also the lack of healing and the fact that you would be hitting face alot against creatures means your game comes with a clock and can’t really go too deep into the late game unless your Tuskarr Totemic spawns a Vitality Totem. 

The deck has a certain random factor to it, from cards like Tuskarr Totemic to Crackle, to Lightning Storm, to your hero power, means no game will be the same, but that’s also the fun behind the deck and why I liked it so much. That being said, if you like crunching the numbers and making moves on exact outcomes then I can see how some cards on this deck might be a headache. 

Last but not least, the deck is up for critique, suggestions and comments. So feel free to comment below what you think! I hope this has been a good read! See you in the battlefield! 


A little about me: My username in Hearthstone is Firebat (Not to be confused with the World Champion of last year) I started playing this game about two months ago and Shaman has found a special place in my heart. Some people have asked me why im using my current user name due to it belonging to last year’s world champion. I’ve had it since I created my account in World of Warcraft years ago (it was based on a call name for a Star Wars Bounty Hunter character I made up) and it was quite funny to know that one of the best players in the game used it as well. Nevertheless I do strive to play as best as I can and I currenly find myself researching how the best players in the game play Hearthstone so I can do similar things. Feel free to send me a friend invite and chat about the game and strategies. 

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