Totem-Midrange STANDART by:CerberusH

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-25 - Style: tournament

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Turn six: The Mistcaller

Turn seven: trade with mistcaller a less minion, then Brann+Master on mistcaller.

You will have 3/5, 5/6 and a random 8 drop minion(Alakir,Ragnaros,Tirion,etc..

Hey everyone, there is my idea for standart.

Early game:  If your starting hand is bad, you can only use hero power, it was the problem with control shaman, that his hero power isn’t effective as the other hero powers. Thing From Below is a good card for improve the Totemic Call.

                      -Jeweled Scarab (You always can discover a good card, for example:Lightning Storm,Feral Spirit,Tuskarr                                                           Totemic.) Shaman has a lots of good three mana drops.

                      -Totem Golem (You can go agressive against slower decks, and you also can trade early minions                                                              without problem.)

                     -Tuskarr Totemic ( It’s a perfect early drop, and synergy with the whole deck. You can evolve with                                                       Master of Evolution or Evolve into a four mana minion. You can play earlier your                                                               Thing From Below and it also works well with Thunder Bluff Valiant.)

                     -Lightning Storm (Anti aggro and tempo card, synergy with Hallazeal)

If you survived the early, you can own the midgame by: 

                    -Master of Evolution (If you don’t have minion it’s still a good drop for four mana.It works well with                                                                     damaged minions, and with battlecries.(Tuskarr into 7/7) This card is the most                                                                   powerfull four drop in the game now. If you play it on mistcaller you will have a 5/6                                                           minion and a random seven cost minion on the board for four mana.)

                    -Doomhammer( 16 damage for five mana is more then good. You can make 10 or 16 damage by using                                                     Rockbiters in one round.)

In lategame you have a Reno Jackson effect with board clear by two cards.(Hallazeal and Elemental Destruction on Lighning Storm.)

Win condition can be Al’Akir with Rockbiters,Flametounges and also with Mistcaller.

I can imegine a Bloodlust in this deck instead of Brann. Brann is slow and it has to survive until the next round. However I think the meta will be slower then now so we can play Brann.

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