tostada! Squirrel’s season 28 Reno Jackson yogg-sarron hopes end tempo Mage.

Class: Mage - Format: kraken - Type: tempo - Season: season-28 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Standard is all about mana efficiency and Tempo. Don't keep anything that is 3 or more mana, unless you have turn 1 and turn 2 play. 

I mean, you could, but you'll probably loose.

... With that being said, sometimes we can make an exception for Reno Jackson. He's the cat's pajamas, super fly or GOAT, depending on the year you were born.

This is an Updated version of toast. Now with dragons breath!

The deck is designed to race. It is not designed to counter every play into oblivion. Therefore there is little to no AOE and no ice block. If you would like a more controlling Reno list try N’zoth builds.

Why dragon’s breath? Basicly none of the tier 1 decks play heal, so it opens up more OTK possibilities. They also all play high quality 4 health minions. So we can trade minions and make a good tempo play around turn 5-6. It’s good. Try before flaming it.  🙂

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