Top 10 EU Midrange Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-27 - Style: ladder

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This is the Decklist I used to climb into Top 10 EU on May 19, 2016. (Screenshot)

I like 1x Lightning Bolt and 1x Argent Squire, since Argent Squire isn’t very good against a bunch of decks, unless you have it on turn 1 or next to a Flametongue Totem. Imagine Acolyte of Pain for example. Lightning Bolt gets buffed by Spellpower so it can be more than just a 3-Dmg-Removal. It can go face and, even more important, it can go through taunt to kill a Flametongue Totem or Mana Tide Totem behind Feral Spirit before you have access to Fire Elemental.

Depending on the Meta you’re facing you could need a 2nd Lightning Storm. I recommend cutting the Lightning Bolt or 1x Feral Spirit for that.

Have Fun!

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