Tonk & Friends

Class: Hunter - Format: wild - Type: midrange - Season: season-80 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Mulligan here is really dependent on which of these cards you already have in hand, mulligan accordingly

Wild Deathrattle list featuring Tonk…and well…friends. Obviously heavy Mech oriented, thus the 2x Fireworks Tech while only running one Terrorscale Stalker (Teron takes up the other spot for the second stalker as he simply provides much more value). This has gone through extensive testing (testing is pretty much all I do), the curve was honestly the most difficult part about this list (again hence the one stalker). In old DR builds I was often hesitant on Explosive Sheep as it can damage your own gameplan, however in this particular list and in this particular wild meta it is overwhelmingly relevant. Odd Pally is making even more of a resurgence than it was in previous months and aggro druid is not going away. So a turn 3 Fireworks Tech into your sheep clears the board for 4 health (and you have other ways of doing this by turn 3 if necessary, or even turn 2 with coin sheep on one followed by play dead). Aggro decks have a hard time with this list. If you’re still scared of Warlock builds, Big Shaman, and the newly emerging rendition of Big Priest, never fear, between Spider bomb and the many ways to activate it, and bring it back with Nine Lives…this deck has more than a chance to overcome them. Late game…well…you can see the top end for yourself. Tonk has closed out more than a few games on my opponents turn for me just cause they can’t math well. We’re finally getting somewhere with Deathrattle Hunter again. I hope you all enjoy this list as much as I have! πŸ™‚

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  1. Joris
    November 30, 2020 at 3:19 AM

    I tried deathrattle hunter in standard, it was too slow for the meta. I like your idea of running trueaim crescent though, I didn’t try it in my list. Will try this one in wild when I have a bit of dust left.

    • Joris
      December 9, 2020 at 1:56 PM

      I have played some games, but it seems to lack card draw?
      I know hunter doesn’t have much, but only having ursatron makes it quite hard..

  2. Noelle
    November 29, 2020 at 2:24 PM

    Thomas the Tonk Engine