General Mulligans
I guess you just hard-mulligan for Imp and Tome, and then just look for big minions.
Hand of Gul'dan + Soularium + Valdris + Varian + Sphere + Tamsin are all there to restock your hand if you played the Tome without an Imp.
If you can't find Tome atleast you have Voidcaller and some big demons. The Imp is also a demon, so I guess that's just unlucky if you pull him from Voidcaller.
There's a bunch of big minions that swing back the board when you're undoubtedly behind from playing Tome, like Gigafin, Godfrey, Neptulon and Onyxia.
Just wanted to theorycraft a deck with this card. It seems terrible and probably is.
yes… YES! Give in to the tome tampering meta! It’s going to be the most fun deck to tinker around with in the coming expansion, that’s for sure. No forced archetype either, just a single card that is crazy enough to allow someone to build a really greedy deck that may pay off a third of the time, but it will feel SOOO GOOD!
hahah yeah excactly. There’s alot of things you could do with this card, Combo, Big and probably some other stuff. Thanks for commenting bro I really appreciate it, made my day!