General Mulligans
These are the best mulligan options according to
Token Druid seems like it is at least slightly viable every expansion. Thus it seems safe to always invest dust in, so if you are light on dust and are looking for longevity in your decks this is the archetype for hardcore budget players. This is basically a pure druid deck that focuses on an aggro/midrange style. Nothing you see here is innovative. It is a Druid deck that makes treants. Don’t make it complicated. The best part you only need about 2000-4000 more dust to complete this bad boy.
Upgrades for this deck include:
2 Dreamway Guardians > 2 Force of Nature – The goal here is to make Treants, so this card is pretty important and is the cheapest of the upgrades.
1 Blessing of the Ancients > Goru the Mightree – Newest Druid legendary and its treant related so it goes in for sure. Now that we have treants time to buff them. Many thought this card was going to be bad, which doesn’t make sense when the class has so many treant synergies. Thus far it’s a must-have for the deck.
1 Blessing of the Ancients > Cenarius – Class Druid legendary that didn’t receive play until recently, but it has made a strong impact since its resurgence. This isn’t needed per-say but is a nice late bomb when you have it. This should be your last upgrade over the others.