The goal of this deck is to kill your opponent with fatigue. You need to draw King Togwaggle, Jeeves, Skulking Geist, Discover Un’Goro and Jeeves to make this work. Adding Jepetto Joybuzz is optional, but will help get the cards you need quickly. Jepetto is used to get the cards at a cheap cost but Emperor Thaurissan can be used for a discount. Drawing him from Jepetto is also pretty cool. Card draw spells were added to make it easier to get the key cards. The goal is to use Discover Un’Goro to fill your deck with 1 cost cards, Togwaggle your deck to your opponent, Skulking Geist all those 1 cost spells and then use Jeeves to make your opponent die in an OTK combo.
Note: for this to be an OTK you must use Jepetto Joybuzz or Emperor Thaurissan to get the discount on the costly cards used for this. Also work well if you Discover Un’Goro on one turn and then proceed for the OTK on the next.
Scourgelord Garrosh is not needed, just for the control aspect. Same with the board clears and weapons.