General Mulligans
Honestly any combination of these works. Crystology won't pull anything but the Target Dummies if you've already buffed the deck. Draw and buff, that's the deck haha.
Listen if you wanna try a very aggressive deck that will steal some hard wins, give this bad boi a whirl. By the time you lay down these minions, after buffs, most early game removal won’t touch them. The most aggressive hand buff I’ve ever played.
Most of the time you wanna mull for buff cards, and draw engines. Righteous Cause on turn 1 can literally end the game coupled with a handful of buff and 0 drops. Divine Favor helps so much with the full handed meta we’re in right now. Priest has probably been my worst matchup.
I hope you guys give it a try and have as much luck as I did!!
Happy Climbing!!