So this one isn’t quite as creative as my decks usually are, but I want to slap it up here anyway.
I was playing through my favorite decks from the Rastakhan’s Rumble expansion last night (on the eve of the Rise of Shadows release) and this one started winning a bunch of games in a row. It’s pretty close to the standard Mecha’thun Warlock deck that’s been around for a couple expansions, with the added boost of the Howlfiend/Treachery combo that will be rotating.
This deck is fun to play and incredibly flexible, simply mulligan away cards you won’t need till later in the game (your otk and discard combo pieces) and use your board control/heal mechanics to navigate your way through to the late game.
The real fun comes from managing your hand size to maximize card draw without overdrawing, since even a single overdrawn combo piece can prevent you from winning.
Anyway if you have time today to climb before the expansion drops , this one is sure to gain you some ranks!