Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
This deck is pretty similar to Savjz’s Zeus Shaman, but has some slight differences. One difference is Ragnaros the Firelord, this is another solid card with Ancestor's Call if Malygos can’t save your bacon. The idea of the deck is to stall out your opponent while waiting for a strong Emperor Thaurissan turn. Once this is accomplished you can Ancestor's Call your Malygos onto the board and destroy your opponent with low cost burn spells. Healing Wave can help keep your safe from death, and Elemental Destruction will clear boards. All and all it’s a pretty awesome deck when everything goes correctly!
Doomhammer should be drawn in the first 10 cards in order to start lowering enemy’s HP as soon as possible, therefore 2 copies are needed.
Personally I prefer Al Akir instead of Ragnaros because he is not RNG dependant, cannot be targeted by Big Game Hunter and combos with rockbiters as well
Healing wave is excellent in this deck because , except thalnos, the rest of the minions have a high cost thus resulting in a higher chance for healing wave to proc the joust. Although aren t 2 doomhammers too much?
I think farsight and ancestors call give you a real nice tempo boost, especially since you only have a handful of minions.
what worries me is how to maintain board control without wasting your burn speels you need to otk him later on.
I’m having the same problem, running out of spells by the time i drop malygos. best thing to do is take extra damage and hope for a devastating board clear with lighting storm or elemental destruction. It’s hard to win late game without malygos and burn spells.