Thijs has been doing some ladder climbing with this Reno C’Thun Warlock! The deck even includes our old friend Big Game Hunter. Thijs managed to go 30-7 with this deck which is a pretty impressive record seeing how many Shamans he had to battle.
Watch Thijs play this deck here.
This actually seems good but taking out MC tech for an ooze
What is the point of faceless in this deck if you dont have leeroy?
Get argus buffed minions, another sylvanas, more taunts or copy and then BGH enemy ragnaros 😉
I come from rank 21 to 7 with this deck in a few days, just one problem: no one chance vs miracle rogue. 0-5 actually
taunt seems to be not enough, especially after use Jaraxxxx
need something to deal with opponent weapon
faceless is not useful
my opinion
I have all cards except imp gangboss , demonwrath and brann and I have gold for only 1 wing . Which one should I buy and with what i can replace the other cards?
Any god replaces for black rock mountain cards? Worth play this deck without this cards?
Any Replacement for Twisting Nether, i don’t have doom either
Psych-o-Tron or Stampeding Kodo. Someone else recommend Cyclopian Horror.
Is lord jaraxxous worth crafting?
Jaraxxus is a staple for control Warlocks and absolutely worth crafting.
Since you play with your health so much it helps to have both Reno and Jaraxxus to pull out of lethal. Hitting Jaraxxus with one tic from Thaurusian opens the chance to restore health, get a bad ass weapon and summon a 6/6 on board.
Replacement for Jaraxxus?
How does FACELESS suit in this deck? Why put it in?
I don;t really get Faceless in this build either. If it had Leeroy and Power Overwhelming maybe, but I just don’t see the need. I play almost the exact same build and I would put Cyclopian Horror in that spot.
Shaman is all the rage right now. Their 4 mana 7/7 is tough to deal with.
Also, C’thun decks are all over because of the free legendary. You can copy Twilight Elder or Crazed Worshipper for tics on your own C’thun. At 10 mana you can combo Faceless and BGH if they get their C’thun out first and you survive.
It’s a tech spot. If you’re facing more aggro than slower control the Cyclopian Horror makes more sense.
Come on guys its a combo OTK Emperor -> Lee Roy *5 mana* + Faceless *5 mana* + Power Overwhelming *0 mana* = 20 dmg one turn
Yeah that would be in combo renolock. Take a look at that list and tell me where Leeroy and PO are.
Hey, I am missing faceless Manipulator.. Any good replacement for it?
I also have duat to craft him.. But is it worth? (Faceless Manipulator)
You could try a Psych-o-Tron or Stampeding Kodo.
I would try Cyclopian Horror. That thing can get out of control, and it has synergy with Brann.