Thijs returns from his victory at the European Hearthstone Championship with this Hybrid Hunter. He casually ranked from 5 to legend on stream with this deck, which you can check out here. The deck is fairly standard, but does add the TGT card Argent Horserider. The Horserider has largely replaced Wolfrider in most Hunter decks. It sticks to the board, and trades well with your opponent’s minions.
Thijs’ Season 19 Hybrid Hunter
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What are your thoughts on double Freezing Trap vs 1 Freezing Trap/1 Explosive Trap? I’ve been playing around with both and I feel like its honestly equal and really just depends on what you are facing.
I think 1 Explosive Trap is better right now because of all the aggro on the ladder.
Tryed anyone Leeroy for one highmane?
It will win you some games, but it’s not going to be as consistent as Highmane.
Just want to say thanks for posting this deck, it’s really working out for me.
Is it possible for dr.boom to be in this deck? If yes, then what do I replace it for?
It kind of defeats the purpose of this deck. You really want it to stay on a tight curve. I would say if you really wanted boom in the deck that you should cut a Highmane, but I wouldn’t do it.
for me i cut an horserider for a bigger card,i know horserider is op but i dont use it that much,or cut a unleash if you feel like it.i put in a belcher as it fits more than boom.
Mulligan tips boyz?
Mulligan for 1 cost cards, always. Think of this deck as a face hunter that does better in middle game. However, dependind on the enemy you can keep some 2 or even 3 cost cards-
If you get Loatheb, keep it agains rogues.
Which card would you swap for flare. I feel like it’s extremaly usefull among those paladins and hunters.
Eaglehorn Bow? The deck is pretty tight, it would be a tough cut.
Nothing, i dont like flare in this deck, and tbh u dont need it to win vs secret pala
Why not one of the Glaivezookas?
Secret Paladin is one of the easiest matchups with this deck. I’m at rank 5 so far (November) playing nothing but this exact deck and I’m 27-11 vs Paladin.
Hey there, So unfortunately the problem with Flare is that you are not guaranteed to get value out of the card, seeing how it is almost a completely useless card vs Warrior, Druid, Warlock, and Rogue. And the fact that it got nerfed from 1 mana (which was great because 1 mana for at the very least a card draw is acceptable) and honestly vs Hunter it is good, Secret paladin, and mage but u don’t need it trust me. The card u would want to swap for it would be Quick Shot but don’t Underestimate Quick Shot. 2 Mana for a direct 3 damage that can bypass taunts as well help u control the board early game is very important. Gl mate!
Hi there Tom, so unfortunately the problem with the spell card Flare, is that you are not guaranteed too get value for the card. Flare is almost completely useless vs Warrior, Druid, Warlock AND Rogue. Yes it is great vs Secret paladin, Mage, and even Hunters but the Hybrid Hunter deck Archetype is extremely tight and its difficult to cut cards to make room for it. In my opinion QuickShot would the only card to consider swapping out, seeing how they are both 2 Mana spells, but you should not Underestimate the power of QuickShot because 2 Mana for a direct 3 Damage that can bypass taunts and help you control the board and u are guaranteed too get use from it in every matchup is very strong. Also Flare got nerfed, it use to be op when it was only 1 Mana, because worst case scenario u get a card draw for 1 Mana which is Acceptable. Sorry for the huge post, hope it helped someone
TY drew !! it helped me a lot to get “‘flare” out of my decks! :)!!