Thijs’ Reno Dragon Priest (January 2017, Season 34)
- 1Holy Smite1
- 1Northshire Cleric1
- 1Power Word: Shield1
- 1Twilight Whelp1
- 2Kabal Courier1
- 2Shadow Word: Death1
- 2Shadow Word: Pain1
- 2Wyrmrest Agent1
- 3Kabal Talonpriest1
- 3Shadow Madness1
- 4Drakonid Operative1
- 4Kazakus1
- 4Priest of the Feast1
- 5Dragonfire Potion1
- 5Excavated Evil1
- 5Kabal Songstealer1
- 5Raza the Chained1
- 6Cabal Shadow Priest1
- 6Entomb1
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Changed 2 Minions
-Mind Tech
-Dirty Rat
+Mistress of Mixtures
Why can you import the decks for this pager on HDT annymore ?
An update is coming soon I believe.
This deck is very solid. The choice of Shadow Madness over Potion of Madness is a good one when you consider Buccaneer, Totem and such
Is there a mulligan guide for this deck or similar anywhere?
Here mate, this should give you a general idea
Why wouldn’t you include Justicar Trueheart in this for synergy w/ Raza
Because a 6/3 is a bad body and there is better 6 cost cards. He says this in his stream
So I’m having a really good winrate except v.s Non-Reno Dragon Priest… they just outvalue me. But aggro and Midrange is getting crushed, pretty solid vs Jade Druid if you outcard them early !
Replacement for Raza?
Tough card to be without in this deck, but Holy Nova or something like Ysera would be okay.
Thijs says on his stream to replace it with a midrange minion
I m missing Twilight Guardian and it’s like a staple in all dragon decks. Any good recommendations to replace it? 2nd rate bouncer does the job for early taunt but miss the dragon synergy
Dragonkin Sorcerer is decent and synergizes with PW:S, Twilight Guardian’s only 100 dust so I’d craft if you can, it’s a great card especially in the mirror.
Twilight Guardians is an Epic card (not 100 dust , its 400), and will rotate out too.
because , i want to play wild too in the future
However im buying Grand tournament packs
(No reno’s in standard after rotation…)
Its actually 400 dust
It says Thijs’s and Trump under deck format !
Otherwise the deck looks good on paper, I’ll try it.
Thanks, fixed.