Thijs mentioned in a Tweet that if you don’t have Master Oakheart you can replace it with Abyssal Enforcer!
Thijs’ Post-Nerf Krul Highlander Demonlock (February 2018)
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Thijs mentioned in a Tweet that if you don’t have Master Oakheart you can replace it with Abyssal Enforcer!
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Absolutely terrible deck demoted all the way to rank 20
Worst deck for anything.
“That served no purpose”
Any replacement for kazakus?
There’s really no point in playing this deck without Kazakus. He’s one of the two reasons why you would want to go Highlander in the first place instead of just playing a normal Control/Cube Warlock
I’m thinking about crafting rin with the dust from patches.. should I? Or I should craft oakheart or none of them?
Rin is safer than Oakheart. The consensus is that Control Warlock will be good for the foreseeable future after these recent nerfs. It is up to you, though. Not sure if you enjoy playing Warlock, as Rin is not a neutral legendary like Oakheart.
None are or were mandatory picks in most decks. I would wait ( maybe until the next pack is around?)
Oakheart is seriously situational … I’m using him in a ramp druid deck and I’ve never yet had any use out of him. Either the things he would pull are already in hand before I can play him or he gets pulled by Y’Shaarj.
Rin is far more consistent and Azari is either a 10 mana 10/10 that destroys your opponent’s deck or, more likely, a free 10/10 when pulled by Skull of the Man’ari – either is not to be sniffed at!