Thijs KFT Taunt Prince Deathrattle Druid Player: Thijs - Published: August 11, 2017 - Updated: 8 years ago - Dust Cost: 18,480 Tweet Class: Druid - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-41 - Style: ladder Edit in Deck Builder DRUID (21) 0Innervate2 2Druid of the Swarm2 2Earthen Scales2 2Wild Growth2 2Wrath2 3Swipe2 4Fandral Staghelm1 4Mire Keeper1 5Nourish1 6Spreading Plague2 7Malfurion the Pestilent1 9Hadronox1 10Ultimate Infestation2 Neutral (9) 3Prince Taldaram1 4Arfus1 5Barnes1 6Cairne Bloodhoof1 7The Curator1 8Primordial Drake2 8The Lich King1 10N’Zoth, The Corruptor1 Rate this Deck Like or Dislike? Take a second to tell us how you feel! +9 Deck Import Copy Deck Code Pro Druid Decks Hero Power Druid – #354 Legend (maksimredka) – Heroes of StarCraft Dungar Druid – #178 Legend (maksimredka) – Heroes of StarCraft Reno Druid – #481 Legend (Altigeri) – Wild S131 Dungar Druid – Standard Meta Tier List Hero Power Druid – #24 Legend (DreadEye) – Heroes of StarCraft Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment. 4 Comments Discuss This Deck John Snow August 12, 2017 at 10:26 PM 10 legendaries!! Can you make a cheaper version of this deck? i only have hadronox barnes curator Log in to Reply brt August 13, 2017 at 4:34 AM stop crying you imbecile and play another deck Log in to Reply Ellionious August 12, 2017 at 11:18 AM How important is Prince Taldaram in this list? Log in to Reply STREET NS August 15, 2017 at 7:08 AM I too hastily dusted the prince upon opening, based on the fact you could run a 5 cost Faceless Manipulator and do the same thing, but the value here is the 3 cost no doubt, and the fact that druids don’t rely heavily on 3 cost cards in their decks… Log in to Reply
10 legendaries!!
Can you make a cheaper version of this deck? i only have hadronox barnes curator
stop crying you imbecile and play another deck
How important is Prince Taldaram in this list?
I too hastily dusted the prince upon opening, based on the fact you could run a 5 cost Faceless Manipulator and do the same thing, but the value here is the 3 cost no doubt, and the fact that druids don’t rely heavily on 3 cost cards in their decks…