Thijs participated in the Hearthstone Championship Tour Europe Spring Championship with these decks:
Thijs’ HCT Europe Spring Championship Tempo Warrior
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Thijs participated in the Hearthstone Championship Tour Europe Spring Championship with these decks:
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i would think hunter for more pressure on opponent
Replace Malkorok?
Can I replace cairne with sylvanas?
Seems fine.
Did someone try this deck ? I am really curious about the difference between this and the “standard” tempo warrior. I don’t know which list would be the most effective in ladder.
better early game with 2x monkey/korkron and snowballing potential via fineley(getting a useful hero power can save you a lot of dead turns as armor up isn’t that useful)
exchange for less power turns, berserker/battle rage with whirlwind and varian.
any replacement for fierce monkey if you don’t have the adventures?
Second Weaponsmith and you could add Varian Wrynn if you have it. If you don’t you can throw in a Whirlwind.
I really wonder why he chose Sir Finley over Varian, which power is he aiming for?
Warlock is generally going to be your target in this deck.