Thief Control Rouge (Vustrasz Rouge) v1.0.

Class: Rogue - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-61 - Style: fun

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(Psst: Imagine that Crowd Roaster is Vustrasz.)

I tried giving it some Early game minions, as well a giving Rouge some Dragons here and there, so It could Proberply activate Crowd Roaster without having that much of a draw back. Orginally it was just going to be only the 2 Nightmare Amalgams becuase it just went out nicely with Raiding Party, and All I had to worry about was drawing at least one of the Nightmares before Crowd, but I decided to go with a putting a Marsh Drake, since I like to think of it as a “3mana 5/4, deal 2 damage to yourself” for Rouge, which is barely a drawback at all. I was debating between Marsh and Twilight Drake, and the Reason as to why I ended with marsh was because, with Twilight Drake, You’d need to be a pretty slow-ish hand, just to make Drake usful in being a 4 mana 4/6, on average. so I thought that the 5/4 was the better choice for me. 

The Idea is that you keep your Togwaggle’s Scheme mostly for either  Crowd Roaster,  or Tess Greymane, and if it’s an emergency, even SI:7 Agent. The Dream is that you use Heistbaron Togwaggle , you  want to play your Tolin’s Goblets and Wondrous Wands to keep spamming nothing but Crowd Roasters and Tesses. I Tried spamming Togwaggle’s Scheme with Togwaggle, but the big issue that I had is that he likes Shadowstep more, because of his disadvantage of holding a lackey by his hand, which is a big bummer. So your Togwaggle Combo would be: Lackey, Togwaggle, Shadowstep and then Togwaggle again. You can use one of your Shadowsteps no problem, but if you had to use both of them you can only Lackey and Togwaggle once, but now you would have to get Tolin’s Goblet for your Crowd Roasters to stop your opponent’s late game.

I thought that this was a really sweet deck, and I may have possibly created a new Recipe for Rouge as well as it’s Sub-Features: Dragon Rouge, and I’ll be looking forward for what future neutral dragon enter in next expandsions, and possibly even a Rouge Dragon Card.

I had the Inspiration from both Vustrasz and King Togwaggle and how they both have a thing for Treasure, as well as my Destroy Dragon Rouge Deck, were I had nothing but card_link name=”Crowd Roaster”]  and a few dragons here and there and as much Destroy Cards as I possibly can. It was a fun meme deck, that didn’t exactly took itself that seriously, but assuming that Control Priest can still do that even without Shadowreaper Anduin, I might actually try to recover that deck, so be sure to look forward to my Control Dragon Rouge, in the future. 

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