General Mulligans
Kazakus and Raza are always a keep in any matchup.
Had a ton of fun and success with this home brew with only 3 losses between Rank 5 and Legend. N’Zoth is still easily the best finisher in the game. Lyra is a bit greedy for my taste and too dependant on combo and vulnerable to aggro, where as my list is about board presence, taunts and value. This deck is tailored to beat aggro but the MVP is Skulking Geist, which turned my Jade match-up from 30% to about 95%. Once I added this one card, the climb to legend was lightning fast due to the abundance of Jade. Barnes is mediocre in this list as there are alot of “duds” to roll, but he provides two bodies with an upside lottery effect if you hit one of the many value/deathrattle minions which can add to our N’Zoth bank. Overall, it was a surprisingly fun and easily climb with control deck to Legend.
Card Choices that were tried and Honourable Mentions:
Elise, Trailblazer: Too greedy as this deck can already out-last any other deck including Handlock and Jade.
Acidic Swamp Ooze: Too niche, as not a huge amount of Pirate Warrior . Rather another Taunt minion which is universally valuable.
The Black Knight: This card is so good right now, but I just couldn’t fit him in, as we can’t cut Cairne or Geist.
Feel free to comment with suggestions or if you have a similar list. Happy Climbing
Any replacement for Arfus?
Just posted a similar list prior to seeing yours.
I’m finding the evolve Shaman and Quest Mage matchups very poor, but everything else pretty positive.
Yeah, all the CC are pretty useless vs. Mage. Evolve Shaman I haven’t really had a problem with, but they sometimes get lucky with the Evolve RNG