this is a really bad deck, if your dk is the last 5, you lose. Got one bm or zola discard, you lose. This is an OTK deck that even you got all your cards on hand but still can’t win… can anyone post maybe a twitch link here so i can learn how people get #9 with this deck. Thanks.
That argument of “oh if X card is in the last 5 you lose” doesn’t work here because it’d work with any deck. In kingsbane rogue if all your weapon drawing cards and the weapon are in the last 5 you probably lost too and kingsbane was a tier 1 deck until it required a nerf. This deck gives you time, lots of removal, drawing, immnunity, etc. to get to that point and has a clear win condition in comparison with other control decks like odd warrior.
It has been workin really well for me with more than 70% win rate in rank 2 atm while learning the deck. If you have any doubts you can check Theo’s twitch channel.
p.s: sorry if I spelled anything wrong I’m from Argentina.
The chance that dk is the last 5 is 1/6, and the chance that all weapon drawing is the last 5 is… let me say 1 – (5/6)^5 which is much lower than 1/2. No need to say there are plenty of ways for a rogue to draw those weapon drawing cards(3/2 draw 2, 3/3 draw one lowest).
this is a really bad deck, if your dk is the last 5, you lose. Got one bm or zola discard, you lose. This is an OTK deck that even you got all your cards on hand but still can’t win… can anyone post maybe a twitch link here so i can learn how people get #9 with this deck. Thanks.
That argument of “oh if X card is in the last 5 you lose” doesn’t work here because it’d work with any deck. In kingsbane rogue if all your weapon drawing cards and the weapon are in the last 5 you probably lost too and kingsbane was a tier 1 deck until it required a nerf. This deck gives you time, lots of removal, drawing, immnunity, etc. to get to that point and has a clear win condition in comparison with other control decks like odd warrior.
It has been workin really well for me with more than 70% win rate in rank 2 atm while learning the deck. If you have any doubts you can check Theo’s twitch channel.
p.s: sorry if I spelled anything wrong I’m from Argentina.
The chance that dk is the last 5 is 1/6, and the chance that all weapon drawing is the last 5 is… let me say 1 – (5/6)^5 which is much lower than 1/2. No need to say there are plenty of ways for a rogue to draw those weapon drawing cards(3/2 draw 2, 3/3 draw one lowest).
Don’t put “Youthful brewmaster” in it, it’s not good with “Call to arms”
Is Zola important fot this deck ? Im thinking about craft Kangor over her.
I think you chage this for a youthful brewmaster
aggro and midrange decks with mojo master
been trying to think of ideas for how how to slow down or counter this, any suggestions
Sjoesie’s treachary control warlock destroys combo decks
thanks, that was actually one of the first things that came to mind
aggro and midrange decks with mojo master