Why Vereesa instead of Zul’Jin? This deck lacks of card drawing I would include Master’s Call to Discover Jepetto then you have to wait till turn 8… and cross your fingers to not draw Maly or Alex before… Then OTK in turn 9. Alex (1) + Maly (1) + Rapid Fire x2 (2) + Marked Shot (4) for total 21 DMG
The goal of this deck is to have lots of face damage/removal due to the spell damage… although I agree Zul’jin is good, it doesn’t serve the same purpose and may in fact kill you rather than the enemy.
Why Vereesa instead of Zul’Jin? This deck lacks of card drawing I would include Master’s Call to Discover Jepetto then you have to wait till turn 8… and cross your fingers to not draw Maly or Alex before… Then OTK in turn 9. Alex (1) + Maly (1) + Rapid Fire x2 (2) + Marked Shot (4) for total 21 DMG
The goal of this deck is to have lots of face damage/removal due to the spell damage… although I agree Zul’jin is good, it doesn’t serve the same purpose and may in fact kill you rather than the enemy.
Agreed, but including one copy of mater’s call sounds like a good idea. It should really help with consistency.
Marked shot only works on minions though, am I misunderstanding?
he meant goblin bomb