!Theorycraft! – Highlander Dragon/Murloc Paladin – Darkmoon Faire
- 1Imprisoned Sungill1
- 1Sand Breath1
- 2Hand of A’dal1
- 2Murgur Murgurgle1
- 2Redscale Dragontamer1
- 2Sir Finley of the Sands1
- 3Bronze Explorer1
- 3Dragonrider Talritha1
- 3Underlight Angling Rod1
- 5Lothraxion the Redeemed1
- 5Scalelord1
- 1Grimscale Oracle1
- 1Murloc Tidecaller1
- 1Murmy1
- 1Toxfin1
- 2Costumed Entertainer1
- 2Fishflinger1
- 2Murloc Tidehunter1
- 2Prize Vendor1
- 2Tasty Flyfish1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Coldlight Seer1
- 3Murloc Warleader1
- 4Circus Amalgam1
- 4Felfin Navigator1
- 5Big Ol’ Whelp1
- 5Cobalt Spellkin1
- 5Skyfin1
- 6Evasive Wyrm1
- 9Dragonqueen Alexstrasza1