THEORYCRAFT: 1-of Shadowform Priest

Class: Priest - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-32 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Mistress of Mixtures: It's our only 1 drop, so if possible it's a good one to keep. It will survive hero powers (Mage's, Paladin's, Rogue's and Druid's) and contests 3/2's the following turn.

Shadowform is a duplicate, so we want to draw that as fast as possible.

Mana Geode is a decent card to take early on, especially if you can get it to trade into a 1 or 2 attack minion to heal it.

Kabal Talonpriest and PW: Shield are there to buff up Mana Geode to use our hero power effectively until we use Shadowform.

Aggro Mulligans

Essentially, our goal against Aggro decks is to survive until we can draw Shadowform and Reno Jackson or other heal effects, by then we'll have enough sustain to survive against most aggro decks.

It's up to you to keep Reno or not, however I'd rather have it right away if I have Shadowform in hand. If not, I'll likely mulligan it all for any of these.

Midrange Mulligans

Control the early game, and don't let up. At turn 5, it's probably best to Shadowform and start dealing damage instead of healing.

Against Shamans, the big threat is Totem Golem, so Pain is a good keep, Mana Geode is safe from Tunnel Trogg as is Mistress of Mixtures if it doesn't get buffed.

Against a Hunter, the threat is most likely Fiery Bat and King's Elekk. For Fiery Bat, try to get Pain, for King's Elekk, Mistress is good. If they play Kindly Grandmother, avoid trading, let them do it and deal with the Big Bad Wolf that spawns afterwards.

Control Mulligans

Goal: Draw, and control harder.

This deck is built around the One Copy mechanic, however it does contain one duplicate, Shadowform

This is mostly a fun deck to mess with, I am not sure how well it will work, but it’s something interesting to mess around with.

Shadowform Priest Play Strategy

The early game is going to be incredibly tough, however if you can last until turn 5, your odds of winning get better.

Ideally, you’d want a turn 1 Mistress of Mixtures, into turn 2 Mana Geode or Loot Hoarder, If you played Mana Geode, preferably a turn 3 Hero power and Power Word: Shield or Kabal Talonpriest, if not Acolyte of Pain or Kabal Courier.

Basically play on curve as much as possible until you get Shadowform and can use it at a well enough time.

If you’re up against a control match-up, avoid playing you’re really big minions like Confessor Paletress and Nexus-Champion Saraad and instead get them to remove cards like Shifting Shade or Priest of the Feast.

The reason for Priest of the Feast is a pseudo-threat. We only have 10 (11 with Kazakus) spells, and most are target removal. The same goes for Auchenai Soulpriest since we really only use it as a pseudo-Shadowform until we can afford it.

Auchenai is great for prepping Shadowform, if it lives, we can use our hero power. If it dies, they likely used a spell or traded a minion that we can use Shadowform to kill whatever traded.

In the mid-game, the goal is still play on curve, but now we are mostly relying on tempo plays and our hero power to remove threats. Our biggest play is Raza the Chained  after drawing Shadowform to get free 2 damage or 3 damage if we have our second one activated. Nexus-Champion Saraad adds that random factor making it something they have to be weary of, and if you need to save another minion, say Confessor Paletress or Reno Jackson to save for Madam Goya, you could just play it down.

Your win condition is pretty much to out-sustain them. With Confessor Paletress,Reno Jackson,Nexus-Champion Saraad, and your hero power,  you could quite easily do so, provided you lasted that long.

Shadowform Priest Combos and Synergies

So long as one Shadowform has been drawn.

  1. Raza the Chained – Hero power becomes free (0 mana restore 2 health, deal 2/3 damage)
  2. Shadowform resets hero power, if Raza has been played this is either a 7 or 3 mana combo to heal 2/deal 2, or deal 5.
  3. Garrisson Commander allows for a 3rd hero power usage when Shadowform is used.
  4. Confessor Paletress, gain a 2nd or 3rd legendary out of it (With Garrisson or Shadowform+Raza)
  5. All one-of required cards activate:Reno Jackson Kazakus Raza the Chained

Madam Goya , high risk, high reward. You could return a one-of and get a somewhat useful card such as Mana Geode, Friendly Bartender, Acolyte of Pain, etc. However it might pull out any 1-of card we want the battlecry for like Reno, Kazakus, or Raza.

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  1. HansZCZ
    November 30, 2016 at 1:07 AM

    There is possible combo: If ure already in shadowform and already used Raza the Chained, you can use Forbidden shaping for 6 and tick that mage dragon which alows you to use hero power any number of times, then u can kill everything 😀 is it possible? Can Forbidden shaping give you mage minion?