Secretkeeper -> secret ->Masked Contender -> Hyena Alpha is going to win a lot of games. This deck will be strong.
There are many details yet to work out; how many Tracking/Eaglehorn Bow/Sunreaver Spy do we run? Do we cut Secretkeeper/Masked Contender for Scavenging Hyena + Springpaw + Master's Call and go more hybrid? How do the new 6-drops perform? Lifedrinker? These issues of refinement will work themselves out in the coming months. As the list finds its place in the meta. I think the strength of this deck is going to determine whether Dinotamer Brann sees play; that deck is basically trading the consistency of this one for Brann and Zephrys the Great. Those are 2 excellent cards, so it’s hard to tell at this point which is better or if there is room for both.