General Mulligans
Redemption is good with Righteous Protector and Crystalsmith Kangor. Try digging for The Glass Knight, as it's the most effective board control card here!
Only keep the spells if you have a good 1/2 drop, otherwise you might be stuck with a hand full of spells!
Your on low health. The enemy has lethal next turn. So, you Time Out! then make effective minion trades. And then before your opponent realises, your back on full health. Yes, this is a Heal-Paladin deck, something that utilises the power of Lesser Pearl Spellstone and Deathaxe Punisher. Even Call to Arms, the only “broken card” in wild before it was nerfed (other than naga sea witch) is here, for what you ask? Crystalsmith Kangor. To have your Lay on Hands restoring 16 health and drawing 3 cards with this incredible legendary, and your lifesteal cards healing double as well! Finally, after 2 Lay on Hands and 2 Call to Arms, Shirvallah, the Tiger should be quite cheap. Buffing him with Deathaxe Punisher is a even more bonus, and should clear the board quickly. Zilliax can be placed on Annoy-o-Module and Glow-Tron, but even by itself its already very good. The Glass Knight is here to effectively take board control early-mid game, and Ironbeak Owl is for when your facing a big taunt or a bunch of magnetised mechs!
Remember, with this deck, face is the place. Kill them before they kill you!