The Lich King for Warrior requires you to have a whole ton of damage at your disposal because of The True King card which gives him 100 Armor! Warrior can win, however, with a deck that damages the hell out of itself and produces huge Frothing Berserkers!
This deck was inspired by MegaWarrior251’s list from HearthPwn. I removed some of the cycle as I felt it was overkill and it’s really weak in the late game. Dread Corsair also felt clunky and it is weak to early Coldwraith.
Fiery War Axe is one of your targets. Grim Patron can be kept as well, you will need to get a board of them going before TLK goes into his Frostmourne turn. You don’t want your Frothing Berserkers until the end of the game as they are your win condition and shouldn’t be played until then. Armorsmith is okay, but you’ll really want her late in the game with more minions on board because you’ll need the armor to survive TLK’s late game Hero Power.
The Lich King – Warrior Play Strategy
You just want to manage the board early on with Fiery War Axe and early drops like Armorsmith. Death's Bite is also great early for taking out Coldwraith, especially with the follow up Grim Patron. Try to always keep a couple of your Grim Patron at full health, this is especially the case going into turn six where TLK tends to play Blizzard. You’ll need to get the Grim Patrons started before the Frostmourne turn or you will have literally no way to deal with the six Trapped Soul.
You will need to manage your turns when dealing with the Frostmourne phase wisely. Try to always keep one or two Patrons at full health so he can’t clear your board completely. Remember that if you whirlwind any of the Patron that die will still occupy a spot on the board and might prevent you from spawning more. TLK will end the Frostmourne phase by trading one of his Trapped Soul in. Hopefully you were able to clear the board prior to the phase.
Now we’re looking for damage. Chip away as much as possible with your Patrons and Axe Flingers. You will need to bait out his Blizzards and Obliterates before you can go into your Commanding Shout & Frothing Berserker turns. I gambled in my win against him when I knew he only had one Obliterate left, but only do this if you think you won’t be able to survive long enough to wait.
When you are going into your final turns be sure to pay attention to how many cards you have in the deck. It is easy to forget and use Battle Rage unnecessarily and put yourself into fatigue. If you played your cards right, you should be able to Wild Pyromancer, Commaindg Shout, and Whirlwind yourself to victory with your Frothing Berserkers. Good luck!
Thank you so much! this worked in under an hour and did not require lots of legendaries or epics.
It was harder for me to beat with this warrior deck, than the paladin with murlocs.
It has so many ways to fail, you need a lot of luck.
I tried for 2 days, dont know how much attempt.
I would like to recommend another deck that i cant try, but looks a LOT better. I cant use it because i dont have the most important card, its from frozen throne and its purple so i cant craft it.
So its about putting your hand into your deck, and fatigue Arthas from round 7, where he only uses his minions and his sword. You have to kill every minion except one with brawl.
I am sure you will find it easily. (i dont know the rules here so i dont copy links here)
Should try to find the correct hand and perform some restarts, but can be defeated, thank you for the list
i don’t have Grim patreon and fostbite… is it still possible ?
im realy struggilin with this one. on only have mid tier cards “some legendary, a few epic”
disenchanted all my card for standard play (thought that was what im suppose to do :'(
you could try the alarm bot deck. which includes 2 alarm bots, 2 of the poisonous 1/2 taunt and tons of big stat minions. more luck based than this patron deck. so gl.
i used a warior deck with that 2 to cast warior card that copies ur hand into ur deck, and the murlocs that draws 2 cards. i chained the combo so i always had cards in deck while lichking keeps drawing
This is possible to do while in the trapped soul phase, as the lich king doesnt play cards he keeps draewing and ends up getting milled. the trick is to have enough taunts to block his weapon / trapped soul until he has almost no more cards while ur combo makes u always draw and always copy ur hand into ur deck, at some point his traped souls ends up dying on ur taunts but when that happens, he is already taking over 10dmg per card drawn,
I ended up wining having 6hp left, and his fatal card draw made him take 18damage (and he drew 6cards that round)
Interesting tactic. Must try this
I used this and got it in the first attempt:
Really recommend to everyone
dude this work my first try! This is so simple to complete with this deck. Thanks!
This deck is very nice and simple
I dont know if I dont have luck or what but this deck dont work for me. Maybe someone would like to help me cuz this is last hero I need to win with.
I used this deck with little success… Not strong enough after turn 7-8, unless you get REALLY lucky with the right draws… Came up with another deck (fatigue) which I feel is MUCH more efficient, requiring much less luck on card draw, because you “force” draw!!
Hope it helps – all the best!
Almost a dozen tries and still no luck with this deck.
By the time I get past the Frostmourne stage I’m at 12 or less health and just cannot stay alive long enough to even get to the Berserker stage.
this deck really is awesome!
Yup I got through with my first attempt. Though I was very lucky as I drew all my cards in the right order (death’s bite, patron and inner rage in my opening hand, topdeck frothing when the boards were full, etc.)
I had to make a ton of substitutions but I still won first try, got crazy lucky tho, he didn’t play a single blizzard or obliterate.
I have been repeating this encounter for 2 hours and you literally have to have perfect draw for this to work. He always has obliterates for the frothing berserkers and you can’t bait them out earlier, unless you Grommash. Even if he doesn’t obliterate them, blizzard + water elemental and GG.
Great deck. Its funny boosting the berserker
I didn’t have Grommash so I used Ragnaros but it still worked for me first try! Good deck, thanks!