I’m starting to get a bit depressed about this (I spent all day building decks!), but The Lich King can be defeated by an army of all Neutral Murlocs! The Price of Power is TLK’s card for Rogue, and unfortunately for him it doesn’t help him against the surge of mrrggll.
This deck can be run by the following classes to beat The Lich King: Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, and Warlock (the deck says it’s Rogue, but all the cards are Neutral). If the class you need to win with has Murlocs or Murloc synergy you can swap in some of the good ones in place of some of the bad ones (Paladin has Hydrologist, Shaman has Brrrloc and Everyfin is Awesome).
I know you might be thinking it wouldn’t work with Warlock, but Soul Reaper won’t kill you because you have a few cards in hand which reduces the damage. You will never give up board control and you should win before turn seven so The Lich King will never really get any damage in on you.
You really want a curve, but Murloc Tidecaller is always the best card to have early in the game. After that Rockpool Hunter is really good for your 2-drop, and curving into Coldlight Seer or Murloc Warleader is preferred.
The Lich King – Rogue Play Strategy
You are looking to snowball the board and trade to protect your more important murlocs. Curving out is extremely important, you really want to be playing something every turn as you head into a Gentle Megasaur. Make no mistake about it, Gentle Megasaur is pretty much required to win the game, so you if you don’t have it by turn seven then it might be worth restarting. Megasaur gives you that final push to clear out taunts and then finish the game with damage.
There isn’t a whole lot more strategy than that with this deck. Just make good trades and hit him in the face!
Murloc Replacements
You don’t need either of the Legendary Murlocs to run this deck. Each time I won with this deck they were a complete non-factor, but they are just nice to have in the deck. Just fill in the spots with other Murloc cards or card buffs depending on the class. You will struggle if you don’t have Murloc Tidecaller, Murloc Warleader, and Gentle Megasaur. I don’t think you can pull off a win with this deck without Megasaur unless you are playing Shaman (Everyfin is Awesome works better).
I managed just fine without Gentle Megasaur or Warleader, getting a rouge win in just under an hour of effort. Without it you’re just trying to get your tidecallers big and avoid removal which will happen soon enough with RNG.
Hello my 1st comment here

so Im reading lots of forum opinions at the release of each new adventure/expansions and saw lot of people complaining how hard and Impossible is for F2P players Like myself to get the newest skin, Prince Arthas and that was due to some streamers using full Legendary decks to overcome the challenge
except the rest of the bosses of KFT which were EXTREMELY easy the Lich King was made to make a challenge…heh challenge eh? that was until I found good pals like you sharing the easy solutions out there and as you can see Murloc Warleader is receiving a nerf due to that I think, they wont admit it but that’s it.
Long story short, I used this awesome deck to both clear Rogue and Mage! incredible huh? (even without the molten Giants because I never opened them and didn’t want to spend and waste 800 dust on those which I can never play on PvP after the heavy nerf they received)…so unlike some people who wants to have fun by challenging themselves with this boss and made high cost ,strange decks to have “fun”, I just looked for a shortcut and found it through “onslaught of murlocs”! I cleared all 9 classes just 10 days ago which is 1st sep, and I’m happy because I see it as a personal achievement without any high cost decks…and I see most of people in ladder that still haven’t got it and I feel good about it but that’s a hard challenge for a low prize not much a big deal when you get it..
as for the rest of the classes Paldain and Shaman exclusive Murloc cards makes it very easy mixed with this deck, which has a guide here. Warlock is the same too just add 2 Ravenous Pterrordax and 2 Soulfire to the deck above. I did it 1st try.
Warrior-Just used a simple deck with KT+Defender Trick I learned it on Icy veins
And Priest (also a cheap,operating deck from Icy-veins) super-buff deck was the MOST EASY BOSS FIGHT IN HS! 1st try with a buffed Cleric!! Druid,1st try!! Jade Idol spam as you know it…and the hardest of them all was Hunter!! with hunter I used a hyena buff guide (which is also available at icy-veins if you look up for it) took some tries and restarts of course to get a winning hand of course with all those classes I didn’t mention 1st try! but still my story proves it can be done with this and for free (I just had to craft +2 Gentle Megasurs and +2 Jade Idols for 1000 dust which was a good and needed investigation!)
I agree this is an amazing guide and stuff but warleader was nerfed because of murlock paladin dominating rank 5 to legend.
Struggled with rogue deck. I was using mech decks, combo decks, etc.. Lost to all the matches and the closest i came to was Lich King with 1 health(regretted for keeping 1/1 weapon early game). Then I came to this deck, won on first try. Thanks!
Glad it worked for you!
Awesome deck fist try almost pissed myself shocked after trying another rogue deck about ten times. I love everyone involved in making this deck lol. I was missing a second gentle megasour so instead i used enhanse-o mechano
Thanks, couldn’t have beat the Lich King without this guide!
Aggro really is the way to go XD
Won with each class (except warrior, 100 armor is too hard to burst down) in the first or second try, super overpowered
also not hunter obviously
you absolutely CAN win with murlocs as warrior – Ive done it .. however, you also need to make hugely buffed frothings in addition to the murloc snowball (and not lose them or at least no more then 1 of them to obliterate) and go face with them a few times
as well as put in some warrior cards to help deal with turns 7-8
60 damage plus board control by turn 6…
Easy. Everyone has that RNG.
After 10 attemps… done!
Some cards replaced:
### Custom Rogue
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Grimscale Oracle
# 2x (1) Murloc Raider
# 2x (1) Murloc Tidecaller
# 1x (1) Sir Finley Mrrgglton
# 2x (2) Bilefin Tidehunter
# 2x (2) Bluegill Warrior
# 2x (2) Murloc Tidehunter
# 2x (2) Rockpool Hunter
# 2x (3) Coldlight Oracle
# 2x (3) Coldlight Seer
# 2x (3) Murloc Warleader
# 1x (3) Perdition’s Blade
# 2x (3) Primalfin Lookout
# 2x (3) Zoobot
# 2x (4) Gentle Megasaur
# 1x (5) Finja, the Flying Star
# 1x (6) Corrupted Seer
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Did someone really win with this deck as a WARRIOR (armor much?) or PALADIN (mirror image much)?
It’s possible with Paladin, but I mentioned that it wouldn’t be possible with Warrior.
No, it seems it IS possible with the murloc list, but with a bit of tuning.
There’s this other hearthstone community, and there’s quite a lot of people that beat the lich king with this list:
This is frigging impossible
I’m sorry, i’ll elaborate.
I find this completely useless. I’m sure that the others had their deserved victories but i continue to slam on a wall made of taunts, obliterates, freeze and aoe. And i’m talking about the games when i have the perfect curve. I sincerly don’t understand how am i supposed to do 60 damage with this deck in 6 turns agaisnt a deck like the lich king’s
It is possible but it will take so tries for sure. You need good curve and no Blizzard turn 6
Cant belive it it was so easy… i tried to make my own decks, and i had no chance,
but with this, i won first try, and i didnt even win before 7th round, because i didnt got gentle megasaur, but he had 1 hp, and managed to kill the souls
i only crafted 2 gentle megasaur for this deck btw
bye 800 dust
I know that feeling, I tried Mage for an hour or two yesterday and couldn’t beat it. Then I used this and beat it on the first try!
Nice guide! I used this deck to win with Paladin and Mage fairly easy. They were the two remaining heroes that I had to won with.
Awesome, glad to hear it worked for you!
Can you describe how exactly you overcame the initial loss of life for Mage with this deck? I am struggling to win w/Mage + this deck. Thanks!
You don’t need to recover the health. You should control the board, never take damage, and defeat The Lich King before turn seven.
If you are having trouble not getting Gentle Megasaur you might as well add a few spells for deck thining, just restart until you don’t get them in your opening hand, i added 4 and i saw gentle megasaur a lot more than i should.