Paladin is reportedly one of the hardest classes to use when defeating The Lich King. TLK uses Fallen Champions which gives every minion you have on the board a Deathrattle that spawns the minion on his side. The one good thing with this mechanic is that any buffs you had on the minion will not carry over to the other side of the board!
How do we deal with The Lich King? We dispatch him with the sound of the MRRRGGGLLLL!
Murloc Tidecaller is always your number one choice when it comes to this deck. Grimscale Chum is also nice to give your minions an early buff. You want at least one 1-drop and after that you are looking for a curve. For your 2-drop you’d ideally want Rockpool Hunter to buff your 1-drop, but any of the other 2’s are fine. For your 3-drop you’d really like Coldlight Seer or Murloc Warleader who give you the ability to trade without your murlocs dying.
The Lich King – Paladin Play Strategy
You are looking to snowball here, don’t feel bad if you lose a couple of games. Tidecaller is your best card, you are hoping he doesn’t get hit with Obliterate early because he’ll continue to grow while TLK is trying to stick minions. You should NEVER trade if one of your minions will die in the trade unless you absolutely have to or you need to protect a particular minion. This is why Coldlight Seer is so important, it allows you to make trades and continue to attack face.
Hitting Gentle Megasaur on a full board is pretty much how you are going to win the game. You are looking for +3 Attack or Windfury. Secondarily +1/+1 is helpful, as well as +3 Health. If you hit one of the first two you should be pretty golden, and I don’t expect you’d have trouble finishing the game before turn seven. The other two might require a bit of finessing. What I mean by that is there are times when it could be good to trade in one of your really weak murlocs to throw down a Bluegill Warrior which could buff your Tidecaller and get buffed by Murloc Warleader and lead to the final damage you need.
If you don’t win by turn seven then you have to gauge whether or not you’re able to clear the 2/6s off the board and finish the game. It’s going to be a pretty unlikely scenario, so it’s best to just aim for finishing TLK off before turn seven.
Murloc Replacements
You just want Murlocs in this deck, some are absolutely replaceable. The cards I wouldn’t play without are Murloc Tidecaller, Murloc Warleader, and Gentle Megasaur. The legendaries are easily replaceable with other murlocs like Murloc Tinyfin, Murloc Raider, Blowgill Sniper, or Primalfin Lookout. You can also swap out Hungry Crab if you don’t have it, it’s nice as removal for a murloc you give to The Lich King, but generally shouldn’t be used on your own minions.
after so long. did it. don’t know how to post screenshots. but it works
Thanks for the deck got it first try!
Evident, I love your site but this deck was really frustrating to use. I tried 20+ times and ended up literally banging my head against the desk.
Finally found a different, easier deck to beat Lich King with Pally, it’s gimmicky but it works and doesn’t involve much RNG. It involves Gargoyle, Blessing of Kings and Spikeridged.
it’s better that you add Hydrologists + 2 chums +1 vilefin+ 1 Blessing of kings to the “neutral murloc rogue” guide which has better murloc synergies, I won as soon as I did so
Great Idea, ty for the deck, won at second try at my 7th turn also if he obliterated BOTH my warleaders xD
won on first try (no blizzard on his turn 6, i killed him on my turn 7). Thanks for the deck!
Ok, so after trying other decks lots of times, got the win with this deck at the first try. Thanks a lot!!
Glad it worked for you!
This deck is BS, if he doesn’t kill your tidecaller, he freezes it first turn, which basicall kills it. If you somehow survive the first couple of turns, there’s no chance to get eq+cons combo by turn 6 so you’re dead regardless.
Thank you for this deck. I did restart a few times if I didn’t have Tidecaller to play on Turn 1. Even with the perfect opening hand (Tidecaller, Rockpool Hunter, Coldlight Seer and drawing Gentle Megasaur on Turn 1) I wasn’t able to defeat him before Turn 7. Luckily, I had given my murlocs Poisonous (since I didn’t discover Windfury, +1/+1, or +3 attack), which made dealing with the 2/6s much easier. I had gotten TLK low enough before Turn 7 to finish him off on Turn 9. Even with restarts I only had to make about a dozen total attempts with this deck.
I tried many decks and I had bad RNG or were missing key legendaries. This one worked in 1 try. Thanks, i now have the Arthus hero skin.
excellent deck! only warrior left…
I got Arthas using a f2p deck with Young Dragonhawk, protecting it with Divine Shields and buffing it for a win on turn 6! I was lucky after 3 restarts to get the Dragonhawk in my hand and some spells! Also he did not have Blizzard or Obliterate in his hand, making the Dragonhawk back 17/11 with Divine Shield for a finishing blow before he could play Frostmourne! It felt great!
Thanks Nuntius for the dragonhawk suggestion. It worked after about 6 – 7 tries. The murloc deck presented on this site didn’t work at all. Once he didn’t have obliterate in his hand it was possible with the young dragonhawk. Thanks once more
RNG required, thats all it is.
2nd try
Turn 4
Nice deck!
Beat it first try! Thanks! great deck!
I replaced Sir Finley and old murk eye with primalfins and did it on the 5th turn of my 3rd try.
I dont have luck with this deck. And its need a lot.
A lot of times my tidecaller dies early, and even if i manage to get to 5-6 rounds with a lot of murloc, then the megasaur wont come, or it gives the worst bonuses…
He kills the tiddecaller on early rounds with 2/3 minion, or the 2/1 freeze minion. So if you dont have the rockpool hunter, its already lost.
And “late game” spells, 6th round 2 dmg to all minions and freeze them is the best of all.
Tried around 20-30 times now btw.
Just managed to win, everything gone good, didnt even get tidecaller btw, but the later cards ere perfect, 2 warleader and 2 grimscale oracle, finished with a megasaur windfury bonus
but needed a lot of trying
Worked on the second try. Can’t believe how someone earlier trolled on this guide. Must have really not known how to play with murlocs lol.
This deck is total and utter shite! i tested it 56 times and i could not do it! Honestly you need a miraculous RNG to me this work!
Try using doomsayers at round 6 it will kill his 6 2/6 and the minions that is left
Had a really tough time with this deck for awhile, LK kept using Blizzard on T6, like EVERY time. Once he finally did NOT have Blizzard or Obliterate I finally beat him.
Easy. First attempt on turn 6 but had set the win up on turn 5.
Evident! Thanks for the bad ass deck! If the Paly is the hardest one to beat it with… well it only took me 3 restarts to get the mulligan I needed!
I have two awesome screenshots I would love to give you if you want to share them… you can email me for them if you want. They are on my desktop. In fact, I had a perfect game lmao… I have 30 hp left and enough damage to beat the Lich King a 2nd time easily 8P
I can understand where someone could not have the scope or depth to see beyond the first 2 or 3 turns… it’s like playing chess bro. Some people don’t have the capacity to see whats not right in front of them each turn. Super solid deck… way easier in fact than me figuring out priest… which I used to beat him the first time.
I wanted to say something snarky @Omnioblivious but I will pass… keep ’em decks comin’ bro! OH Yeah… I’m a bot… my handle is Barackis#1682 *cheers bud*
PS: I’m serious about emailing you my screenshots if you want to share them hit me up… I guess as admins you don’t need me to post my email… later ^
Nonsense deck. You need to get EXTREMELY lucky with this. Pray tell how do you value trade with two 2/3 in turn 2?
You can also roll a dice 93 times and hope you win.
Murloc Tidecaller + Rockpool Hunter is how you value trade. He doesn’t always play double 2/3s.
I beat the lich king with a very similar deck. Takes a lot of tries and luck, I beat it on the 25th in the morning so I don’t know if they hotfixed by then, but this deck should work the only thing I cut out was were the coldlight oracles for the 1/1 with divine shield and taunt. It helps protect the murlocs. Evident, I look at your sight everyday and it always has great decks and helpful news and it’s quite surprising someone would think that you would bot comments to make yourself look better. If someone wants to make sure I’m not a bot my tag is Blackcard#1907. Keep the great work!
Hey, I’m glad you got it to work and that you like the site!
Hello Evident. I am sorry that you have this guy “Omnikoro” doubting you and that he thinks (although I think he’s a troll) that all the comments here are bots. I have tried this deck and i beat the LK after around 10 attempts. This is a rly nice deck and I managed to kill LK in round 6 on my last try. I also managed to win against him with a similiar deck with mage. Before I tried murlock paladin. I will try post the deck on this site. Thx m8
Made an account speciallly for this
Imo you should stop posting fake lists and having bots comment below.
I know you have a site and reputation to maintain, but unless you can actually demonstrate the deck working, which I doubt, you should just stop claiming “people did it”.
Whoever claims that winning with this deck is something that can happen has obviously no clue about the game or at least the game mode and is just attention whoring.
I am extremely curious about what those “value trades” are when TLK coins + skeleton knight always on turn 2 and steals all your minions which can then use on warleader etc
Because maybe 1 or 2 people won out of pure luck doesn’t mean that the deck is good
It’s utterly ridiculous that you would think I would post these decks without having actually completed the boss with them. The idea that I have bots posting comments is laughable.
Here are three screenshots of me completing The Lich King with Murloc decks:
You literally have zero proof of any of your statements and this is exactly why false information gets spread around. I spent the whole day yesterday testing out decks, and I wish I had just found this Murloc strategy instead because I wasted at least an hour or two on Mage.
While your comment was rude, you did make me want to go test it again. It is significantly harder now. I believe Blizzard hot-fixed The Lich King to make it so he always starts with a follow-up play to his 1-Cost spell. When I played earlier it was significantly easier to snowball the game, but now you have to get a near perfect draw and hope he doesn’t have Blizzard on turn six.
Here’s a screenshot of me completing it with Rogue:
I also wonder if they made it so you won’t draw Gentle Megasaur in the early game because I played multiple games and while I saw him in my mulligan I didn’t draw him once.
Edit: If Blizzard hotfixed it it’s not every turn one, but it seems more frequent now.
Well I am sorry if you found offense in what I said, it is just how I see things, the deck is extremely gimmicky hotfix or not, also you trying to be sarcastic with the dude below me doesn’t make you any more mature than me if this is what you thought.
Congrats on your victories.
You claimed the decks weren’t real and I had bots making fake comments! That’s huge accusation to make so of course I was offended by it. Poking a little fun at you in a comment isn’t even close to the level you went to in your baseless comment. There’s a whole thread on Reddit discussing Murloc decks and their viability for defeating The Lich King so it’s not some “gimmicky” deck. I normally don’t respond to stuff like this, but the comment was so over the top that it had to be responded to because you were questioning the legitimacy of the site.
Edit: I’d like to just move on from this, so if you don’t mind I’ll just delete this comment thread. Let me know.
Worked For me, few attempts.
But are you a bot?!
I guess hes not like all there
its ROFL to think that site like this which helped a lot of people to rich the legend on ladder is botnet!!! really its not serious…
The deck however needs a ton of rng and restarts ofc to get a win.
I dont think that its a good sign from blizzard to make such an adventures harder and harder…
I literally won with this deck the second try. EleGiggle Stop hating cause you suck with it.
Lol stop hating so much you just need the right curve, i just did it on my 4th try after hours of trying to achieve the exodia version, i could send u the screenshot to prove it!
Made an account specialy for this.
Imo you should stop accusing people and take responsibility of your skill.
APOLOGISE when you know you are wrong.
If you feel the need to play past turn 7, just put in a doomsayer or 2. Play one on turn 7 and it’s an easy clear. It’s fun watching one doomsayer clear 2 batches of minions.
mauvais deck
I won on the first try, thanks!
Worked on the first try, thanks! Just keep value trading and buffing your Warleaders and Tidecallers.
Sure man, please, do tell us more