General Mulligans
Mana Wyrm Frostbolt Cult Sorcerer Sorcerer's Apprentice
Mana Wyrm is the best card to get out of your mulligan but
either of the 2 drops will do. You need to make sure that you control
the board and that means that you sometimes need to trade your minions
carefuly with the opponents.
Mana Wyrm Frostbolt Cult Sorcerer Sorcerer's Apprentice
Mana Wyrm is the best card to get out of your mulligan but either of the 2 drops will do. You need to make sure that you control the board and that means that you sometimes need to trade your minions carefuly with the opponents. There are great removal spells in this deck (mage ofc) which can encounter every small or big threat that your opponent plays. Loatheb is ideal here because its a 5/5 and makes your opponent almost powereless the turn it is played (unless your opponent has minions on board ofc). Faceless Summoner makes puts more pressure on the board. Pyroblast is a great finisher.
So far this deck has worked great and for me the win ratio is good. But if you meet decks with a lot of board pressence, Flamestrike can be taken into the deck.
Good luck