The Five Ladies

Class: Rogue - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-55 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

You mostly want to have minions in your starting hand, unless youre facing aggro.

Aggro Mulligans

Rogue is not the best anti-aggro class at the moment, but with a good draw you can manage to clear your oponents boards before he manages to clear your face.

Midrange Mulligans

May be an easy matchup if drawn well.

Combo Mulligans

Combo decks are control decks nighmares. Still just keep playing minions and you may get a chance.

Control Mulligans

Those are pretty fun games, you can go for full value in this match.

A very control rogue i been trying lately wich deliberately uses a lot of legendaries. It is meant to control the board while generating value through the match to minions from other classes making tess greymane battlecry stronger.

Tess Greymane is your end game card, her battlecry will replay every card from another class you get through Shallow Gravedigger, Violet Haze, Weaponized Pinata, Face Collector and Lilian Voss. The point is to play Tess when you already played more than 3 class minions. In some point of the match when you have drawn enough cards, you can always play Tess into Lab Recruiter leeting you flood the board enoguh times to win the game.

Valeera the Hollow is your most value generation card. Having extra cards from shadow reflections will always help a lot, so unlike Tess you wanna play Valeera as soon as posible if the match allows it. Her new hero power usually means playing double piñata or double Zilliax, but also enables some combos, like playing double Greater Onyx Spellstone for an almost full board clear, or Lab Recruiter into another one for infinite cards in very control matches.

myra rootspring is very versatile as sometimes she can provide exactly the card you needed, she can give you more value (such another piñata), board control (blighnozzle crawler) or even some sustain (Rotten Applebaum). Actually i would say it is a kinda weak card so you can play without her if you want, but still adds flavor to deck and also has pretty good synergies.

Lilian Voss is another card that can provide class cards for Greymane’s battlecry. But her mainly purpouse is to replace your late game/value spells (Lesser Onyx SpellstoneViolet Haze) for random ones in aggro matches, and also replacing useless spells in combo matches, allowing you, in the process, to play tess graymame earlier in those games. In control matches, still, she can help in the very late game to replace a dead Blade Flurry on hand.

Sonya Shadowdancer is also on the deck for very flavor purpouses, shes very useful, but doesnt enable any weird combo. There are many ways of taking advantage of her ability in this deck. She can let you get more shallow gravediigers and more Weaponized Pinatas thus generating more cards in case you had bad luck in getting class cards. Or you can also use her to get a 1/1 copy of a class minon you played, because tess will replay the full body anyways. Also if you managed to play a minion with an strong deathrattle that would be a good candidate. And finally remember that even when you get a 1/1 copy to your hand, shadow reflection would still let you play the full body.

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  1. CD001
    October 24, 2018 at 4:43 AM

    I don’t care whether this deck actually works or not; have +1 for the flavour 😀

    Only cards I don’t have are the Weaponised Pinatas – and I’m not sure they’re worth crafting.

    • ZEeoN
      October 24, 2018 at 11:47 AM

      Good in Arena, not of much use in the game most of the time. If dust is not an issue and fun decks are for you, yes. If one of the two doesnt apply, rather not.

  2. ZEeoN
    October 22, 2018 at 11:04 AM

    Your deck string doesn’t work, unfortunately

  3. Byk
    October 22, 2018 at 8:34 AM

    Lillian Voss is just bad. I can’t imagine any deck being good with her.