The Age Of Nightblade Combo Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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This is quite possibly the strangest deck idea I have ever theory crafted as its main combo relies on one if the worst cards in the game, Nightblade. Nightblade is in fact a basic card that I had completely forgotten about and I never thought it could be used, until now, thanks to the new card Shadowcaster. With Brann Bronzebeard in play Nightblade will do a nice 6 damage to face with that 8 mana combo, and adding an eviscerate onto it adds up to 10, while that’s definitely not worth it the new card emphasizes this even more. Shadowcaster can add a 1/1 Nightblade to your hand, allowing an extremely cheap combo with Brann. If you manage to get two copies of nightblade thanks to a Brann combo, that’s a whopping 18 damage from the Nightblade and its two one mana copies. You can then even cast Shadowstep on the one mana copies for an extra 6-12 damage, resulting in an instakill. The best part is, this deck doesn’t rely on that combo at all, every single minion in the deck has insane synergy with Shadowcaster, and with early raptor value you will have no trouble getting these combos off against control and aggro alike. Be sure to tell me what you think, and I look forward to trying out this deck once WoTG hits. 

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  1. Sceptical dude
    May 1, 2016 at 1:14 AM

    This deck seems terrible to me. Tried it for about 15 games, just won one on a huge luck combo.

    Early removals are too rare, with only one prep and 0 poison, having no BS nor agent before T4 is garanteed loss. Thalnos is unique so cannot be counted on. 2 Undercity Hucksters would be way better than only one imo.

    Mid game is even worse, when arguses, raptors, Brann AND shadowcasters need to be played with a combo. That leaves 2 drakes, Xaril and Nightblade only, Xaril being the only one in that list being potentially helpful for board cleaning (and only potentially, though). You slowplay waiting for your mana to rise ? You get crushed. You play your mid cards with no combo to get some board ? You get cleaned, and you’re left with nothing to synergize on.

    Late game is indeed very strong, but since you never get there, well…

    One heal is definitely not enough, especially when you play VS control decks, and 5 mana is far too expensive regarding the healing potential, close to never reaching a Healbot potential.

    Maybe get more heal. More solo mid game playable cards also.

    I’m still trying to understand how this deck got so many upvotes, any tip is welcome.

  2. Kitsunemimi
    April 25, 2016 at 1:31 PM

    What would be your thoughts on Blood of The Ancient One in this deck

  3. doome
    April 22, 2016 at 7:27 PM

    I’m not a fan of the Raptors or the Argus’, what would you change for them?

  4. Captain Falcon
    April 17, 2016 at 6:55 PM

    Edwin needs to be in this list. If you can’t see the power of Shadowcaster plus Edwin you aren’t qualified to build the deck.

    • Kuroha - Author
      April 18, 2016 at 7:13 AM

      I originally had Edwin in the deck, however, there wern’t enough cards to combo him off of early game, while his potential with shadowcaster is insane, he is a hugely dead draw in the early game. He is, however, in my other version of the decklist on my account. That one may suit you better.

  5. Captain Falcon
    April 15, 2016 at 1:45 PM

    You’re on the right track and you have the right idea but this is not how you build this list.

    • Usurperlord
      April 15, 2016 at 4:21 PM

      The “right way” to build a combo rogue which centers around nightblade, do tell?

      • Captain Falcon
        April 17, 2016 at 6:53 PM

        No, definitely not. The real build around me is shadowcaster. The potential of that card is insane.

        • Kuroha - Author
          April 18, 2016 at 7:14 AM

          While I think its fun to build a deck entirely around Shadowcaster I don’t see it working. It has much too high of a cost and too little of an immediate impact on the board, also requiring your opponent to leave up your board. I think of it more of a tech card to put in decks as a combo opener or for curve plays.

    • Kuroha - Author
      April 15, 2016 at 5:25 PM

      I feel like a variation of Raptor rogue would work best, as it allows the deck to snowball early and have amazing mid game value, as well as giving every combo piece multiple options. I do however have another version based around miracle rogue you may like.

  6. Toto_hugs
    April 15, 2016 at 12:22 PM

    why not do it with Leroy?

    • Kuroha - Author
      April 15, 2016 at 12:59 PM

      Leeroy can’t go through taunts and would be a 1/1 when created from Shadowcaster.

  7. Evident
    April 15, 2016 at 10:45 AM

    This deck looks very interesting, thanks for submitting!

    • Kuroha - Author
      April 15, 2016 at 11:22 AM

      It certainly is interesting, but i’m not so sure about viable xD but we will see.

  8. Mystik
    April 14, 2016 at 2:35 PM

    This is a neat looking deck. Kudos to you. No sylvannis windrunner though? While she might be a touch too high cost, it seems like she still might fit in well, especially if you repeatedly shadowstepped shadowcaster on her so you could summon a 1/1 SW every round after you finished comboing.

    • Kuroha - Author
      April 14, 2016 at 3:19 PM

      I did contemplate her and may end up replacing a twilight summoner for her.