test kathrena big hunter

Class: Hunter - Format: mammoth - Season: season-45

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  1. Crxne
    November 22, 2017 at 1:57 AM

    Tracking is also very important in such deck to be honest

  2. Crxne
    November 22, 2017 at 1:56 AM

    I had the same idea of a potential Big Hunter, but I don’t think Keleseth is useful for the simple reason that secrets are too important to survive in the early game (no AOE at all except the DK so explosive trap is typically the most necessary card in such archetype). Thus, you run the Hydras and pirates which are very aggressive cards in a control-oriented deck so I would rather play Explosive shot and other secrets. That’s only my opinion and the deck looks great 🙂

    • Dawz95 - Author
      December 4, 2017 at 3:55 AM

      thanks for typing your idea, i though about half aggro to have pressure early and also recruit big beasts with charge buffed by keleseth, but with the spellstone using secret seems better. you think putricide could work better than valanar?

      • Crxne
        December 4, 2017 at 5:39 AM

        I think both are good, depends on the quantity of secrets you are playing, 4 secrets is a little low on my opinion, maybe add 2-3 more because putricide will be way better with that and cloaked huntress becomes insane if you have more secrets so you can try with putricide and more secrets, thus in such archetype i would rather play the turn 1 that heals both heroes when it dies (more defensive and it replaces valanaar a little bit) instead of firefly but that’s only my preference! I would play only one Abominable bowman too, 2 is too much for me.