Hey, This deck stood out to me so thought id give ladder ago (not crafting any cards atm till the meta settles down & was lucky enough to grab the extras needed for this deck from the preorder bundle)
Currently 3-0 vs a pirate rogue and 2x token druid.
Last game vs Token druid was a blast and forced this comment, Bare berserker on the board, druid plays living mana.. equip blood razer, hit face, overide with war axe for a double whirlwind effect clearing the board and buffing berserker to high hell.. obviously followed by a conceed ð Just thought you’d enjoy!
I’ll try to update after my run, so many decks to try tho!
Testing done for now, ended up 7-1 (streak ended by highlander warlock – well played!) but got some good wins against secret mage and a janky version of jade shaman.
Hey, This deck stood out to me so thought id give ladder ago (not crafting any cards atm till the meta settles down & was lucky enough to grab the extras needed for this deck from the preorder bundle)
Currently 3-0 vs a pirate rogue and 2x token druid.
Last game vs Token druid was a blast and forced this comment, Bare berserker on the board, druid plays living mana.. equip blood razer, hit face, overide with war axe for a double whirlwind effect clearing the board and buffing berserker to high hell.. obviously followed by a conceed ð Just thought you’d enjoy!
I’ll try to update after my run, so many decks to try tho!
Testing done for now, ended up 7-1 (streak ended by highlander warlock – well played!) but got some good wins against secret mage and a janky version of jade shaman.
Thank you for have tried my deck list, I hope you like it. I’m working to create the beast competitive list.