Sheep’s Maly-Druid (Season 31)

Class: Druid - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-31 - Style: ladder

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I’m at Legend Rank with this deck right now, and it has a good winrate (60-70%, often just as long as they don’t have a crazy opener and you have Swipes) vs shaman, and a pretty good winrate vs most other decks except Zoolock, which is pretty bad.

I find that auctioneers are only good vs slow decks, so they’re completely dead cards vs aggro, hence being replaced with 1 Harrison Jones and 1 Moonglade Portal. Saving spells for Fandral also felt unnecessary, so I am currently replacing him with Mulch beat out big minions. This change is very subjective, so if you want to add Fandral back in, now you know what to cut  (NOTE: This has been changed; See bottom). Bloodmage Thalnos is great too with swipe, so I highly recommend him. People sometimes like to use Jungle Moonkin in this slot, but I like this better.

I feel like this may be one of the better versions of this deck right now, as this helps you beat out Midrange Shaman pretty effectively while not giving up other matchups.

EDIT: Just Re-Added Fandral Staghelm for Emperor Thaurissan. I’m testing this right now, since Emperor Thaurissan is simply Innervate #3, but much slower. I really don’t want to cut my one-of Moonglade Portal, but if I need to I’ll re-add Emperor Thaurissan to fight control, I’ll cut the Portal. I was planning on removing Mulch initially, but the card is just so good I feel like I need to keep it.

EDIT 2: HUGE CHANGES! Cut Portal for Barnes. Portal was pretty good, but Barnes has the ability to (quite literally) instantly win the game if we get lucky. Getting Fandral Staghelm or Bloodmage Thalnos off of Barnes is pretty solid, too. Mulch and Harrison Jones have also been cut for Emperor Thaurissan and Gadgetzan Auctioneer, due to the rise of slower and greedier decks, giving this deck more time to set up huge draw turns. I might try Evolved Kobold if I see too much shaman, but for now I feel pretty safe.

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