Well, I posted this on hearthpwn one week ago, but now seeing it’s becoming popular I’ll post it here too. At the moment I’m at rank 4 with 61% winrate, and as I said, if I reach legend with this I’ll write the guide.
Edited: I uploaded the wrong list in first time :d
Update: https://gyazo.com/0647c0aca12304e47809a1024fb5cb48
There are my last 30 games between rank 5 and 4. It’s being tough vs dragon priest.
why dirty rat and no fandral?
You need the dirty rat for taking advantage vs control decks like dragon priest and renolock, and you need it too for winning the jade race vs a jade druid by taking down a battlecry jade minion from his hand like behemot. I’ve been testing Fandral, but you don’t really need him. There is just not enough ”chose one” cards in the deck for taking value from Fandral. Even tough, if you want to try it just replace a Twilight elder.