General Mulligans
You basically need to start drawing as many cards as possible and get those taunts out there. Stone hill defender is great for that. Do whatever you need to not let the opponent gain too crazy of board control. Once you get a taunt or two out there slowly start working on getting those buff spells cast while keeping the opponent at bay.
When I initially opened 20 packs when Ungoro got released, the Last Kaleidasaur was the only legend card that I got I decided to try and make the best of it so I tried a bunch of other peoples decks that were floating around and didn’t really do very well with them. It seemed that it was way too hard to get the quest completed before all the rushing decks would kill me by turn 6 or 7. I decided that the best way to combat this would be with lots of taunts and ways to clear the board buying time to complete the quest. There is also lots of card draw so you can get all the taunts and buffs you need. It is still no ladder climbing deck by any means, but if you were unlucky like me and want to try and make a fun deck that is reasonably competitive give it a go and let me know what you think. I am open to any suggestions or adds as well.
There are quite a few win conditions even if you don’t complete the quest, the vorax can get insanely tough if they don’t deal with it and if you pull off a spike ridged steed on it, it is golden.