Taunt Ramp Druid – PiP

Class: Druid - Format: pegasus - Type: ramp - Season: season-124 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Cactus Construct is the only true one drop in this deck. good to play on curve if you are unable to coin for ramp, obviously if you mulligan into a coin + Malfurions gift or New Heights that is also a great starting hand. Trail mix can be used for some crazy early game combos. For example, if you play Trail mix on turn 2 you will be able to play Summer Flower child or Mistah Vistah on turn 3 which is just absolutely absurd since by turn 4 it will be likely you also have New heights in your hand which will trigger twice at the minimum if Mistah Vistah was played on turn 3. 
Update (7/24/24): I added Rising Waves as a card that you should mulligan for in certain situations against Pirate DH, Paladin, Hunter, and Treant Druid decks.
So far this deck and variations of this deck have the potential to be the most busted. With 2x New heights plus Mistah Vistah this deck has the potential to reach 22 Mana and with that you can pull off some crazy combos including a 22 damage Trogg Gemtosser. For Zilliax you obviously want to grab the Perfect Module and the Virus Module as it can be resurrected later for a super sticky annoying minion your opponent will have a hard time clearing. Greybough, Tyrantus, and Bouldering Buddy are all really good taunts that fit well with this deck and can be super strong if you are able to ramp in the early game. I added 1 Crystal cluster as I think it works well with this archetype and could be another chance to ramp as well as fill the board to stall your opponent. Hope you all can try this out on release tomorrow as I know I will! 
Update (7/24/24): added Marin the Manager, +1 Crystal Cluster, and +2 Rising Waves. Goal of the deck is still to Ramp, cheat out zilliax/big spells, and then continue resurecting Zilliax/Toyrantus. 

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