Talion advanced to the NA Hearthstone Winter Championship with these decks!
- Talion’s NA Winter Prelims 2016 Renolock
- Talion’s NA Winter Prelims 2016 Reno Freeze Mage
- Talion’s NA Winter Prelims 2016 Patron Warrior
- Talion’s NA Winter Prelims 2016 Aggro Shaman
Check out more decks from the event: Hearthstone NA Winter Prelim Deck Lists
Can someone explain me the presence of the flame juggler? Is it that good?
My guess would be that if you drop this on turn 2, there’s a very good chance your opponent only has one minion and that it has 1 toughness, or if they play a strong 2-drop minion, it virtually ensures that you’d trade with it. Otherwise, 2/3 for 2 on its own is decent