Switcheroo Priest – #58 Legend (NAGON) – Sunken City

Class: Priest - Format: hydra - Type: combo - Season: season-97 - Style: ladder - Meta Deck: Switcheroo Priest - Link: Source

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  1. Juiceworld
    April 14, 2022 at 7:53 PM

    This is my first post for which I specifically created this account to compose my experience and research with and of this deck in the hope that Blizzard correct this silly “RNG” mistake which absolutely destroys the game in my experience.

    Started the new expansion on Rank: Diamond 5.

    So I played about 250-300 games initially experimenting with many different types of decks, thankfully due to standard purchase and previous saved up coins from previous expansion I was able to acquire many of the cards needed to test out decks. One match up that tweaked my curiosity due to continuosly setting me back with losses early on in games was the Switcheroo Priest. As most of you, at first you have no idea what on earth is going on, you wonder is it a glitch, is it a GM having some fun, is it a player conceding early early due to unforeseen commitments!!?? you simply have now clue.

    Within the last couple of days, this priest deck started to appear within back to back games or every other game at a minimum which finally prompted me to research, what on earth was happening! It was soo bad, I begun to keep a log of wins and losses to establish ratios of this RNG madness. I know it sounds pretty sad, however when your gameplay experience is ruined by something so ridiculous, it may tweak your curiosity too so here I am trying to save you time to advise you that this deck favors streamers but not standard players (also “RileyReed’s” opinion above).

    Recorder statistics

    Versus this deck

    In 50 games, I came up against this deck in 38 consecutive matches.
    Losses: 34 matches between turns 3 to 6. Switcheroo was played majority of the time at turn 2 or 3 depending on coin draw. The wins were forfeits during turn 1-4.

    Playing with this deck

    I could only do 30 matches by the time my brain started hurting and stopped finding it hilarious of how RNG this deck was (the tables having been turned) so I simply had to delete this deck as I no longed wanted to have any association to it at all (initial aim was 50 for a fair comparison).

    Wins: 5 out of 30 matches. Wins were between turns 3 to 6.

    Losses: 25 out of 30 matches. 18 forfeits due to drawing “Deathwing” or “Copy Murloc” on starting turn. 7 forfeits due to drawing either minion on turns 1-3.
    Note that switcheroo was in had by turn 3-4 95% of the time.

    My research certainly did not make any sense initially, considering the amount of RNG losses I had faced. I then decided to research some YouTube videos. I watched 2 different streamers get 10 wins in a row with the same deck and 1 streamer 9 out of 10 wins. This lead me to the conclusion that RNG favors streamers in one form or another. RNG is random at the end of the day, but is it really worth it to gamble a win/loss, and not play the game as intended – surely whatever the ratio unless you’re a streamer it would not leave you with a positive level up on rank hence what on earth is the point of playing.

    Blizzard do us a favor and patch this ridiculous deck. Streamers should not be favored. I have no evidence this is the case, but how can one possible explain the RNG odds having tested them myself with respective number of games.

  2. RileyReed
    April 13, 2022 at 5:26 PM

    How to remind yourself that you’re not a streamer playing with Blizzards blessings almost every match. Play a deck with only two minions and draw one of them by turn 3 every game. It really magnifies the problem with normal casual players, they don’t have the same draw, the same coincidental luck. I’m fishing for one card every game, while the other guy undoubtedly has both copies of the same card needed to win a game EVERY TIME. This deck only shows that on a greater scale. I find myself saying ‘theres no way he has the second one’ while I’m on turn 7 looking for one single copy. I’ve uninstalled HS multiple times over this single concept, only to come back thinking the normal thought of ‘its really just luck’. Remember Soularium, the only memories I have of that card is it being bottom 3 almost every game. Hard not to think these matches are planned out.

    • PiiTR
      April 14, 2022 at 9:40 AM

      this kind of decks make the game just RNG and not competitive for healthy mindset, its been kinda a while like that, so i just dont care and keep troling as blizzard wants, with no luck its just concede go next but after all those years i dont mind 🙂

      (tried also kazakus instead of deathwing and quest version against mirrors)