Surrender hit #1 on the Asia Legendary Ladder with this Reno Jackson Warlock deck. The deck has Handlock elements, but also has low curve cards like Flame Imp and Flame Juggler.
Watch Surrender play it here.
Surrender hit #1 on the Asia Legendary Ladder with this Reno Jackson Warlock deck. The deck has Handlock elements, but also has low curve cards like Flame Imp and Flame Juggler.
Watch Surrender play it here.
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Add a Youthful Brewmaster and watch their faces as you snatch Healbot or Reno back up.
I need to replace Sylvanas and Molten Giant. Suggestions?
No place for Harrison Jones or Arch-Thief Rafaam?
Arch-Thief Rafaam is actually a much weaker 9-cost legendary than you would think. The fact that the spell you get is 10-cost and it takes an entire turn to use, you will rarely get the chance to take advantage of him.
Is this deck still as strong ad other reno decks with Malganis and Lord Jaraxxus?
What could replace dr.boom ?
Ragnaros would probably be fine. You could cut a Molten Giant and run the Feugen and Stalagg combo like this deck does:
substitute for imp gang and demon wrath?
Harvest Golem and a Mountain Giant could work.
I replaced one of the molten giants with Lord Jaraxxus because I felt the deck lacked initiative and pressure vs other control decks. It does amazing vs aggro decks, and with the addition of Jaraxus you can pressure priests and warriors with infernals. Another tech card I added was sacrificial pact in the place of flame imp; I feel that flame imp is too vulnerable to a frostbolt or a fiery war axe or any other 2 cost answer. The sac pact works really well in mirror match ups against standard Reno handlocks because this deck doesn’t have Feugen, Malganis, and other late game threats.
Can I replace 1 molten giant for ragnaros?
Yes, that’s not a bad idea.
Can U replace 1 molten giant for a mountain giant?
Sure, that’s pretty common!
I replaced Flame Juggler for Mal’Ganis (Allows me to survive longer late game and also tap cards without reducing health). I then replaced BOTH Molten Giants with a Mountain Giant and Frost Giant (will allow more tapping). With those three changes I have gone 8-0 today and it has become my FAVORITE deck so far.
Is this deck still good? This is the only Reno Warlock deck I can afford right now.
Yes, it should be fine.
Demonwrath replacement?
This Deck is fun but I played it for more than 6 hours and cant seem to get higher than Rank 16
I’m in rank 10 area and haven’t had any issue with Renolock. I would say it’s a skill cap thing Reno has only just started to make me sweat at all. I’ve been playing Demon Handlock.
I love this deck. But I have a horrible win rate against Control Warrior and Druid. And therefore, I can’t surpass rank 12. I either add Jaraxxus (kept him in regardless) and a Mountain Giant and have got the wins but then come up short against extreme aggro decks like face hunter cause I can’t get board control in time.
How should we mulligan for this deck ?
Great secret paladin counter!
I would say you can replace the molten giant with frost giant that way you can tap more and still be able to use him at any point in the game + you get to use Reno Jackson at any point in the game
I added a Bran Bronzebeard to this deck since there are quite a lot of battlecry minions and damn, it’s real fun
Bran Bronzebeard + flame imp = Facepalm. i didnt do this, but i feel its gonna happen
Surrender just did this v Kolento on Starladder… I lol’d!
What have you subbed?
He just got rank 1 back as of 11/23/15 with this same list.
I played this deck from rank 2 to legend today and I was having a lot of problems with other control decks so I subbed in Jaraxxus for Flame Juggle which, as you’d expect from Jaraxxus, solved that problem quite nicely.
I think Flame Juggler has some merit vs very aggressive decks like face hunter, but it was under-performing for me (mostly because it always missed its target).
Solid deck. very rewarding and fun to play.
Mad props on this deck. It’s awesome! I went from rank 20 to 15 without losing one match, which is where I am now. I’m about 10/12-0 and counting. I have taken down a few pallys, mages, rogues, priests and shaman. I have yet to play a Warrior or Hunter.
It’s very well balanced and just keeps coming at the opponent. It seems to have an answer for most everything. In most cases my opponents concede. And, in most of those cases I am holding Reno and/or Healbot in my hand. It’s more probable that I run out of cards before I run out of life.
Very sweet. My new favorite deck. Thank you!
BTW – I don’t have Sylvanas and replaced her with Piloted Sky Golem.
fun fact: there aren’t enough stars between rank 15 and 20 to support your claim – as unimpressive as it is.
heh, actually 10 wins is possible from bottom 20 to top 15. boy is my face red.
Needs more Pandas.
Reno como hace su funcion si lleva 2 Gigantes fundidos, va de pegote jaja
because if u draw 1 giant, then u only have 1 of cards in deck
This deck is fun and requires skill to play correctly. The more different cards we use in deck, the more interesting sinergies we can cause. Currently 7:1 with this deck!
Is replacing one Molten Giant with a Ragnaros a good idea? Don’t want to have to need that Reno heal but fail because of RNG.
Also replaced Demonwrath with an Explosive Sheep. It’s not as good, I know, but I don’t have Demonwrath.
I thought the same, personally I replaced 1 Molten Giant by Malganis but I think any big card can do, so yeah Ragnaros is fine I guess
I considered Mal’Ganis but then decided to go with Ragnaros because of the immediate board impact, plus, with only three demons in this deck (including the Imp-losion Imps), I’d say you’re only playing Mal’Ganis for the immunity effect, which in a Reno already fufills for three mana less.
Good point but sadly I don’t have Ragnaros atm, any suggestion of what could be a better choice than malganis ? (Except Ragnaros lol)
I’ve been playing the deck for a couple of days now, it’s very uncommon that you get to a point where you want to play Reno but didn’t draw at least one Molten Giant already.
However this happened to me a couple of times and I must admit it’s really annoying. So I was wondering what’s the point in having 2 Molten Giants instead of 1 Molten Giant + 1 Mountain Giant.
The mana cost difference is really not worth it, you’re rarely going to pay more than 6 mana for a Mountain Giant with this deck, which is quite a good deal for an 8/8.
Ragnaros of course has an immediate effect, but also costs 8 mana, which makes it almost impossible to combo with taunting minions.
I think I’ll try the Mountain Giant replacement.
Love this deck
Don’t have loatheb or Dr boom. Any replacments?
Ragnaros for Dr. Boom, and I might try Azure Drake for Loatheb. Loatheb is tough to replace, it’s such a strong card.
Faceless Manipulator or Azure Drake for Loatheb. Any strong legendary for Boom – Ragnaros, Sneed’s Old Shredder, Mal’ganis.
only 59 cards
There are 2 molten giants
boy nothing gets by you.
Piloted Sky Golem.
Try Piloted 6-4 6 mana
what if i dont have either
This deck is fucking awsome
lol :))