If you’re a strong Rogue player then it appears the meta is in your favor. Mryagut finished number 1 last season with Oil Rogue, and SuperJJ hit number 1 this season with this Malygos Rogue deck list. Tomb Pillager seems to be a very important card for Rogue, it gives them a strong 4-drop with a 0-mana combo piece. Emperor Thaurissan is the key card in these combo decks, allowing for low costing spells and a cheaper Malygos. Once you’ve put together the pieces this deck can drop a huge Blade Flurry and Eviscerate onto your opponent’s face!
Update: -1 Antique Healbot, +1 Sludge Belcher
3 wins and 7 losses. 30% winrate for me 🙁
Hey guys.. try this
-1 violet teacher +1 edwin van cleaf
Helped me fill up the early game threat potential. I got 8-0 straight but im not that high up on the ladder tho..
Awesome deck ^^
First deck that made me feel its extremely consistent frm turn 7-9 for the combo win..
Is this a good deck for laddering right now?
I would go with Oil Rogue over this for laddering. I think this deck could work, but pulling off the combo with Malygos isn’t always reliable.
My Update : -1 Shiv , -1 Violent Teacher and +1 Pilotted Shreder +1 Sludge Belcher..
You need to be able play your malygos and auctionner combo and save it as well as possible. Violent teacher seems slow to save you combo, Shreder can do it better. Like Sludge Belcher and when you play your combo, you don´t need 2 Shiv in deck. You have so many other possibilities to clean a board a kill the opponent.. It works really good now, i have 8 wins in row (from 12 to 9 rank) .. TY for sharing this deck and sorry for my English 🙂
The shiv is really strong in a maly deck man , it allows card drow and not only that but i won many games top decking a shiv when i had maly on the board i thinkthis is a mistake but hey , everybody got their differences 😀
Yeah but its hard to safe Maly on Board.. If you play it after Emperor, yeah Shiv is excellent here… But mostly time you play turn 9 Maly+prep.+evis to kill your opponent. Otherwise, your right that Shiv is good card draw, specialy with Auctioneer, I maybe switch this card back, but Shreder I like here.. Its target for silence, and then you can nice run Bulchers..
I enjoy Rogue over the other classes but struggle a bit with this one in the end game. Is it considered better to save prep till after playing Malygos to try for fatal or would you use prep in the mid game to power card draw with the auctioneer? In a nutshell I have issues using Malygos to generate a win condition on a regular basis.
the update says “Update: -1 Antique Healbot, +1 Sludge Belcher” so when I build this deck how many antique healbots and how many sludge belcher do I put in my deck.
The update just reflects what was changed from the last version of the deck. You should just use what’s shown, which would be one of each.
Aren’t x2 Gadgetzan too many ? I usually end up having the second one in my hand and not finding an opportunity to play him :/
Once you’ll do a game with your 2 gadgetzan Auc. in the last 5 cards you’ll get why this is important to have 2 of thoses 🙂 + having 2 copies of one card usually means that you want to be sure to have it 🙂
Sweet deck. More fun than Malylock imo. Any thoughts on mulligan strats? If it’s not aggro I’d almost advocate mulliganing for gad/emp/maly/prep.
DO NOT KEEP MALY MAN , that would be a mistake
your deck is based ondrowing , you’ll get him soon enough 🙂 for the rest it depends on the meta / class your facing.
On Drawing *
Any replecement for Tomb Pillager?!
Piloted Shredder, but Tomb Pillager is pretty important in this deck.
wow this deck is awesome!
swapped out violet teacher and thalnos for 2x conceal for more miracle^^
also i dont like violet teacher here bc its the only AoE target
well then you force your opponent to use his AoE , in what is it bad ? 🙂 if he uses AoE it’s usually expensive 3 /4 /5 /6 / 7 /8 /10 mana usually so your opponent will use his entire turn to destroy your board , in the mean time , you’ll draw / tempo which is what you need , but even though i’m not a fan of that card either but not for the same reasons 🙂 i think it only slows your deck and makes you use some spells which are comboing with auctioneer /maly / thallnos / etc …
there is no thalnos replacement if you play rogue craft the card//mines gold and sdo is my rogue and i dont even play rogue…
Can I replace gadgetzans with sprint for more reliable draw engine?
no, u draw way more with auctioneer than with sprint and it can possibly be played 1 round earlier than sprint, which can also be important. Merry Christmas!
Bloodmage replacement? 🙂
Second Violet Teacher.
i disagree :/ i feel like there is no replacement for that card , it’s cheap , gives both spell damages and draw , and is used for both so a violet teacher will only put presence on the board where as thalnos is not aiming for that 🙂 i think the best replacement for Thalnos would be a wild pyro , as insane as it sound , it offers you the possibility of clearing 1/1 ( like imp-losion / mustler / almost every 1 drop ) and offers you that +1 spell power in a way.
-That way you won’t slow your deck and get moar of that sweet sweet Boardclear 🙂
Btw : just an opinion 😀
And yes it does not offer that card draw either but hey i just said that i don’t think there is a replacement for that card 🙂