General Mulligans
starting first up look for flame imp follow by void/abusive next turn tiny knight/darkshire, or just drop all your one drops on table in the first 2 turns, then play with the discard combos.
If your on coin best to cast 2 drop first thing, followed by another two drop: example tiny knight on first turn followed by succubus or librarian.
Aggro Mulligans
same against all decks
Midrange Mulligans
same against all decks
Combo Mulligans
same against all decks
Control Mulligans
same against all decks
Suicide Face Aggro Deck, Just play like face deck and go all in, I change it constantly depending on meta but its mostly a very fast deck that can surprise opponents, I use it mainly for warlock quests, casting small minions etc.
updated with new discard combos
It can get some victories on ranked play because it can simply outrun control decks, If they draw a bad or slow hand this steamrolls them, depends alot on Meta of course, secret pala and hunter can destroy you easily, but with its speed Ive beaten even dragon priests or full control warriors.