A bit of experimentation from StrifeCro and his Midrange Paladin deck. He has some interesting cards that may or may not make the final cut of the deck. Warhorse Trainer is sort of a fringe card, but could be powerful in the right deck. Nexus-Champion Saraad was fairly well dismissed, but could get out of control if left on the board. Seal of Champions is an interesting buff card, but it is also similar to Blessing of Might which only sees play in Aggro Paladin.
Update 2: +1 Blood Knight, +1 Defender of Argus, +1 Antique Healbot, -1 Justicar Trueheart, -1 Quartermaster, -1 Sludge Belcher
Update: -1 Equality, -1 Defender of Argus, -1 Seal of Champions, -1 Warhorse Trainer, -1 Tournament Medic, -1 Nexus-Champion Saraad, +1 Coghammer, +1 Aldor Peacekeeper, +2 Piloted Shredder, +1 Sludge Belcher, +1 Tuskarr Jouster
The Midrange Paladin deck list is tightening up, and a lot of the fringe Grand Tournament cards have been removed. The problem is that most previously top tier decks were already filled with quality cards, and making room for anything else is difficult. It’s looking like Justicar Trueheart might end up being the best Neutral Legendary in the set. Murloc Knight gets a ton of value and could become a staple Paladin card.
any change for blood knight?
bloodknight actualy is a tech card to fight secret paladin, you may replace it with another belcher or with a quartermaster (which I think is very strong in this deck)
any change for zombie chow?
you can tech in a yongyc
Thanks. I tried e deck and e deck works now. Thanks
I don’t have tirion….. And I’m,stuck with deciding between sunwalker emperor justices or kodorider .. Tirion is a staple mid range paladin card and sucks not having him but I don’t think,I should just dust 4 legendaries for one
I think Sunwalker is a decent temporary replacement.
Update 3.
He change the Tuskarr Jouster by Sylvanas Windrunner and he change the Defender of Argus by the second copy of the Sludge Belcher in your the Stream in Twitch the September 2 (http://www.twitch.tv/strifecro/v/15090212 Min 3:29)
He do the change and not test it. He don’t play Midrange Paladin after of do the change.
What’s the best replacement for Tirion in this deck?
Sunwalker or second Sludge Belcher.
Strifecro i really love you! From rank 19 to 10 in a few hours! Good job dear
Been using this deck (minus the Blood Knight, i replaced it with a Warhorse Trainer), had a lot of success with it.
nice deck list !
legend easy with this deck !!! NICE STRIFECRO U ARE THE BEST PLAYER IN THE WORLD !
The second update is weird
Why Blood Knight?
The cancer that is aggro paladin?
I’m currently trying Eadric instead of Argus, but it’s feel weird, any suggestions?
It feels weird because it isn’t a midrange car. Eadric is really only for the Enter the Coliseum Control Pally. With this midrange deck, it is way too slow to play. Depending on the meta you are playing, replacing him with Argus, Tuskar Jouster, Justicar Trueheart, Belcher, or an anti agro card seem appropriate. Happy hunting friend!
Awesome deck
Any change for Justical Trueheart?
he did not use it on last night stream
he was -1 justical truheart -1 sludge -1 quartermaster
+1 tuskar jouster +1defender of argus +1 blood knight