Update 2
+2 Arcane Blast, +1 Bloodmage Thalnos, +1 Loot Hoarder, +2 Forgotten Torch, +2 Azure Drake, +2 Cabalist's Tome, -1 Brann Bronzebeard, -2 Ice Barrier, -1 Elise Starseeker, -1 Water Elemental, -2 Avian Watcher, -2 Ethereal Conjurer, -1 Blizzard
StrifeCro has updated his Control Mage list with the newly released Medivh's Valet & Medivh, the Guardian.
-1 Bloodmage Thalnos, -1 Jeweled Scarab, -1 Ragnaros the Firelord, +2 Medivh's Valet, +1 Medivh, the Guardian
StrifeCro took Medivh out of this deck. As far as i know he didnt put it back in
Deck is useless on the EU ladder. 0 wins, 16 losses.
Don’t play it with this set up… he needs to change it.
Can I replace 2 doomsayer with 1 Harrison Jones and 1 Yogg Saron
You could, but I don’t know if you should lol.
Don’t have Doomsayer any ideas?
Maybe go with two Sorcerer’s Apprentice, but you’ll be pretty weak to aggro.
what comobs do i need to w8 for finish .. what cards do i need to get ?
Alextrasza replacement’s?
Replacement for Thalnos?
Second Fireball.
i don’t have doomsayer or Bloodmage any ideas?
I’m trying this list -1 Torch, + Acidic Swamp Ooze. There’s a lot of Shaman higher up the ladder right now!
Can I replace Elise by Prince Malchezaar or will it be significantly weaker ?
I think it’s weaker, Malchezaar can give you some bad draws that could cost you in the early game.
Pretty strong deck, currently on ladder with this deck with a 80% win rate atm, only tested 5 games will reply when i play atleast 20 games
Replacement for Brann??
Second Water Elemental.
Very bad deck, struggles a lot on ladder because of only aggro decks. I once used 3 Flamestrikes, 1 Blizzard and it wasn’t enough to turn the tide.
Any suggestion for replacing Alextrasza? What should be the finisher of this deck?
The bad thing about the deck is that the Aetish doesn’t combo well with thaurisan, which means that if u reduce the cost of a flamestrike to 5 u ll get a random 5 cost minion and not a 7 as it if was supposed to summon by the card value…
Dealing 4 damage to all enemy minions and summoning a 5 drop is still a powerful effect, but I agree that overall Medivh is an underwhelming card. Ragnaros is still just better.
what is the purpose of thaurissan? just value?
So how does this deck fare on the Standard ladder? Very tempted to craft but I would like some purpose behind it. Anybody tested?
It’s a very solid deck in the current meta, go for it
Yogg can be interesting
If you’re looking for a control deck that can handle Shamans with ease and is not C’thun warrior, this is it. You can lock down the board turn after turn past 6 mana or so. And though it does not have Reno, you’re not very scared of Doomhammer with 2 Ice Barriers, 2 Ice Blocks and Alexstrasza to keep your HP up. All in all it’s a very solid deck.
This site really needs to start putting preferred mulligan’s for those who are new to the style of the deck or game. Just a suggestion.
I’ll keep it in mind!
As a first step, it might be nice to have links to the twitch broadcast that the streamers play the deck, with a time stamp for when they start playing it.
I do that from time to time, but generally it’s hard to gauge if people like that feature.
Thank you Evident for constantly updating this site!
No problem, thanks for using the site!
Either way, your site is the best for finding high-quality decks. Love it!
Thanks! I do appreciate the suggestion, I’ll try to add the VOD when it’s available.
I think a lot come from Twitter so getting a vod isn’t always an option (unless creating more work for Evident), but I agree, anything to help with mulligan in these not-so-obvious decks, is a major help.
You can always look up the streamer and recent vods to find the one in which this is deck played in. then you can kinda figure out gameplay & mulligans after a few games
Actually pretty good. It’s a less one-dimensional freeze mage that does much better against aggro. Brann + Ethereal Conjurer is excellent, but you can pull the trigger earlier with Book or Scarab.
Replacement for thanos ?
I think only loot hoarder do you have a better solution
Cult Sorcerer might be okay, but you could also just add the second Water Elemental.
replacement for ragnaros???
Sylvanas or second Water Elemental.
No polimorph?
In the matchups where you need it, you typically can get it from 2x E. Conjurer.
Babbling Books with Brann or Conjurer give you all the spells you need. The overall value you get out of those cards is incredible.