Because there are many warlock decks or you give him a demon with project. Many dont know: you can destroy an opponent demon with it too its very strong
It’s a tech card, because Legend ladder is full of all kinds of Warlocks. It can really win that matchup – destroying a minion for 0 mana AND healing for 5 is massive. When you don’t face Warlock, you usually use it to sacrifice your own minion when you need healing, or against whatever they got from Demonic Project.
Notably, some Neutral minions like Void Ripper or Witchwood Piper are also Demons, so they can be targets too.
Yea, void ripper, piper, and amalgom are all neutral demons that are found in the meta. And if for some reason they become Jaraxxus, you can go face and instawin.
I’ve been curious if the new $80 hero Mecha-jaraxxus was considered a mech or demon or neutral, because if you could insta win the same way with emp operative or sacrificial pact, that would be funny, but I’m sure it’s not possible.
This version is nice. By the way: you have place for many tech cards in even lock and that makes it so great. You can easy adapt the deck to the meta. Demonic project and geist are just insane against all this maly, togwaggle and mecha’thun decks and also against this otk priest. When druid plays florist you know: time for project and he ragequite or against the mechatun when you know the combo play and loose because he cant do the combo, its so funny best card in this meta haha
Even Warlock is more a Midrange deck than Control. Your first goal is to play a 3-mana 8/8 guy and then a 4-mana 4/9.
So the wincon of this deck is either resist aggro decks or burn OTK pieces while setting up some pressure on board.
And right now 90% of decks are aggro or combo. I don’t know how useful Mossy Horror can be, but cut that card and maybe another one, and just add two Gnomeferatu, and you’ll be ready to have real chances to beat 90% of decks in ladder.
Cut a tech card that ss amazing against druid and paladin and giggling inventor. Yeah, we don’t see those classes or cards around at all. Lets add a river crocolisk instead, perfect!
Why you use “The Black Knight” instead of “Mossy Horror” or “Skulking Geist” ?
Went 12-2 with it in Tavern Brawl. Did the trick for me!!!!
Just transformed opponents grumble + shudderwok into demons
Trololo xD
Best deck atm. 20-4
Demonic Project won alone 8 games.
I had Skull on board and Azari in Hand… Well, the Skull (of course) summons Azari, so I had no Battlecry from him….how to avoid?
Delete the game
You cant. Don’t play skull and Rin in one deck if you want an effect from Azari.
replacement for black knight ?
Maybe siphon soul
why is sacrificial pact a good choice?
Because there are many warlock decks or you give him a demon with project. Many dont know: you can destroy an opponent demon with it too its very strong
You can even destroy your opponents hero (aka win the game) if it’s Jaraxxus, not sure about Bloodreaver
It’s a tech card, because Legend ladder is full of all kinds of Warlocks. It can really win that matchup – destroying a minion for 0 mana AND healing for 5 is massive. When you don’t face Warlock, you usually use it to sacrifice your own minion when you need healing, or against whatever they got from Demonic Project.
Notably, some Neutral minions like Void Ripper or Witchwood Piper are also Demons, so they can be targets too.
Amalgam too
Yea, void ripper, piper, and amalgom are all neutral demons that are found in the meta. And if for some reason they become Jaraxxus, you can go face and instawin.
I’ve been curious if the new $80 hero Mecha-jaraxxus was considered a mech or demon or neutral, because if you could insta win the same way with emp operative or sacrificial pact, that would be funny, but I’m sure it’s not possible.
Mecha-Jaraxxus is just a skin it’s not a hero card therefore sacrificial pact will not work on him.
This version is nice. By the way: you have place for many tech cards in even lock and that makes it so great. You can easy adapt the deck to the meta. Demonic project and geist are just insane against all this maly, togwaggle and mecha’thun decks and also against this otk priest. When druid plays florist you know: time for project and he ragequite or against the mechatun when you know the combo play and loose because he cant do the combo, its so funny best card in this meta haha
Very strong against Zoo and Maly Druid. Very powerful right now.
rogue is strong too
Win condition is really weak for ladder, not recommended
Even Warlock is more a Midrange deck than Control. Your first goal is to play a 3-mana 8/8 guy and then a 4-mana 4/9.
So the wincon of this deck is either resist aggro decks or burn OTK pieces while setting up some pressure on board.
And right now 90% of decks are aggro or combo. I don’t know how useful Mossy Horror can be, but cut that card and maybe another one, and just add two Gnomeferatu, and you’ll be ready to have real chances to beat 90% of decks in ladder.
Cut a tech card that ss amazing against druid and paladin and giggling inventor. Yeah, we don’t see those classes or cards around at all. Lets add a river crocolisk instead, perfect!
5 drops are great in even decks . . . .
3 mana 8/8’s, 4 mana 7/7’s, and the DK Guldan would like a word with you.