Steelo’s Legend Reno Mage (January 2017, Season 34)
- 1Arcane Blast1
- 1Babbling Book1
- 1Ice Lance1
- 2Frostbolt1
- 2Kabal Courier1
- 3Arcane Intellect1
- 3Forgotten Torch1
- 3Frost Nova1
- 3Ice Barrier1
- 3Ice Block1
- 3Volcanic Potion1
- 4Fireball1
- 4Kazakus1
- 4Polymorph1
- 6Blizzard1
- 7Archmage Antonidas1
- 7Firelands Portal1
- 7Flamestrike1
- 7Inkmaster Solia1
- 10Pyroblast1
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Has great winrate against aggro decks
Before using this deck, I didn’t even know that burgly bully is great card.. but It is pretty good
And also, Steelo is god.
Another decent deck coming from Steelo
But since i dont have burgle bully
how can i replace it? Would water elemental work?
that would be a fine replacement.
maybe forbidden flame
Steelo was god
steelo is god
i love steelo
the answer is steelo
Burgly Bully is neat but slightly risky to play if you’ve got a relatively big hand and haven’t drawn into your key cards yet (Kazakus, Reno, etc.)
Man I dusted my only golden pyroblast a while back.. I have everything else so I guess I’m gonna craft another.. feelsbadman
What do you think would be a viable replacement for inkmaster? Still not convinced how vital she is in any reno deck so rather hesitant to craft her
Ragnaros or Sylvanas could work.
I just crafted a golden inkmaster solia….gorgeous and worth every penny.
And burgly bully is genius.
Amazing gombo mage